Model_id Action ARO_name ARO_category Changes To Summary 1166 UPDATE Staphylococcus aureus gyrA conferring resistance to fluoroquinolones grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant gyrA; levofloxacin; sparfloxacin; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_sequences "UPDATED partial with 0 UPDATED sequence with ATGGCTGAATTACCTCAATCAAGAATAAATGAACGAAATATTACCAGTGAAATGCGTGAATCATTTTTAGATTATGCGATGAGTGTTATCGTTGCTCGTGCATTGCCAGATGTTCGTGACGGTTTAAAACCAGTACATCGTCGTATACTATATGGATTAAATGAACAAGGTATGACACCGGATAAATCATATAAAAAATCAGCACGTATCGTTGGTGACGTAATGGGTAAATATCACCCTCATGGTGACTCATCTATTTATGAAGCAATGGTACGTATGGCTCAAGATTTCAGTTATCGTTATCCGCTTGTTGATGGCCAAGGTAACTTTGGTTCAATGGATGGAGATGGCGCAGCAGCAATGCGTTATACTGAAGCGCGTATGACTAAAATCACACTTGAACTGTTACGTGATATTAATAAAGATACAATAGATTTTATCGATAACTATGATGGTAATGAAAGAGAGCCGTCAGTCTTACCTGCTCGATTCCCTAACTTATTAGCCAATGGTGCATCAGGTATCGCGGTAGGTATGGCAACGAATATTCCACCACATAACTTAACAGAATTAATCAATGGTGTACTTAGCTTAAGTAAGAACCCTGATATTTCAATTGCTGAGTTAATGGAGGATATTGAAGGTCCTGATTTCCCAACTGCTGGACTTATTTTAGGTAAGAGTGGTATTAGACGTGCATATGAAACAGGTCGTGGTTCAATTCAAATGCGTTCTCGTGCAGTTATTGAAGAACGTGGAGGCGGACGTCAACGTATTGTTGTCACTGAAATTCCTTTCCAAGTGAATAAGGCTCGTATGATTGAAAAAATTGCAGAGCTCGTTCGTGACAAGAAAATTGACGGTATCACTGATTTACGTGATGAAACAAGTTTACGTACTGGTGTGCGTGTCGTTATTGATGTGCGTAAGGATGCAAATGCTAGTGTCATTTTAAATAACTTATACAAACAAACACCTCTTCAAACATCATTTGGTGTGAATATGATTGCACTTGTAAATGGTAGACCGAAGCTTATTAATTTAAAAGAAGCGTTGGTACATTATTTAGAGCATCAAAAGACAGTTGTTAGAAGACGTACGCAATACAACTTACGTAAAGCTAAAGATCGTGCCCACATTTTAGAAGGATTACGTATCGCACTTGACCATATCGATGAAATTATTTCAACGATTCGTGAGTCAGATACAGATAAAGTTGCAATGGAAAGCTTGCAACAACGCTTCAAACTTTCTGAAAAACAAGCTCAAGCTATTTTAGACATGCGTTTAAGACGTCTAACAGGTTTAGAGAGAGACAAAATTGAAGCTGAATATAATGAGTTATTAAATTATATTAGTGAATTAGAAGCAATCTTAGCTGATGAAGAAGTGTTATTACAGTTAGTTAGAGATGAATTGACTGAAATTAGAGATCGTTTCGGTGATGATCGTCGTACAGAAATTCAATTAGGTGGATTTGAAAACTTAGAGGACGAAGACTTAATTCCAGAAGAACAAATAGTAATTACACTAAGCCATAATAACTACATTAAACGTTTGCCGGTATCTACATATCGTGCTCAAAACCGTGGTGGTCGTGGTGTTCAAGGTATGAATACATTGGAAGAAGATTTTGTCAGTCAATTGGTAACTTTAAGTACACATGACCATGTATTGTTCTTTACTAACAAAGGTCGTGTATACAAACTTAAAGGTTACGAAGTGCCTGAGTTATCAAGACAGTCTAAAGGTATTCCTGTAGTGAATGCTATTGAACTTGAAAATGATGAAGTCATTAGTACAATGATTGCTGTTAAAGACCTTGAAAGTGAAGACAACTTCTTAGTGTTTGCAACTAAACGTGGTGTCGTTAAACGTTCAGCATTAAGTAACTTCTCAAGAATAAATAGAAATGGTAAGATTGCGATTTCGTTCAGAGAAGATGATGAGTTAATTGCAGTTCGCTTAACAAGTGGTCAAGAAGATATCTTGATTGGTACATCACATGCATCATTAATTCGATTCCCTGAATCAACATTACGTCCTTTAGGCCGTACAGCAACGGGTGTGAAAGGTATTACACTTCGTGAAGGTGACGAAGTTGTAGGGCTTGATGTAGCTCATGCAAACAGTGTTGATGAAGTATTAGTAGTTACTGAAAATGGTTATGGTAAACGTACGCCAGTTAATGACTATCGCTTATCAAATCGTGGTGGTAAAGGTATTAAAACAGCTACGATTACTGAGCGTAATGGTAATGTTGTATGTATCACTACAGTAACTGGTGAAGAAGATTTAATGATTGTTACTAATGCAGGTGTCATTATTCGACTAGATGTTGCAGATATTTCTCAAAATGGTCGTGCAGCACAAGGTGTTCGCTTAATTCGCTTAGGTGATGATCAATTTGTTTCAACGGTTGCTAAAGTAAAAGAAGATGCAGAAGATGAAACGAATGAAGATGAGCAATCTACTTCAACTGTATCTGAAGATGGTACTGAACAACAACGTGAAGCGGTTGTAAATGATGAAACACCAGGAAATGCAATTCATACTGAAGTGATTGATTCAGAAGAAAATGATGAAGATGGACGTATTGAAGTAAGACAAGATTTCATGGATCGTGTTGAAGAAGATATACAACAATCATCAGATGAAGAATAA UPDATED fmax with 9675 UPDATED accession with NC_009641.1 UPDATED fmin with 7011 UPDATED strand with + UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_name with Staphylococcus UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_id with 1279 UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_cvterm_id with 37074 UPDATED accession with WP_000819088.1 UPDATED sequence with MAELPQSRINERNITSEMRESFLDYAMSVIVARALPDVRDGLKPVHRRILYGLNEQGMTPDKSYKKSARIVGDVMGKYHPHGDSSIYEAMVRMAQDFSYRYPLVDGQGNFGSMDGDGAAAMRYTEARMTKITLELLRDINKDTIDFIDNYDGNEREPSVLPARFPNLLANGASGIAVGMATNIPPHNLTELINGVLSLSKNPDISIAELMEDIEGPDFPTAGLILGKSGIRRAYETGRGSIQMRSRAVIEERGGGRQRIVVTEIPFQVNKARMIEKIAELVRDKKIDGITDLRDETSLRTGVRVVIDVRKDANASVILNNLYKQTPLQTSFGVNMIALVNGRPKLINLKEALVHYLEHQKTVVRRRTQYNLRKAKDRAHILEGLRIALDHIDEIISTIRESDTDKVAMESLQQRFKLSEKQAQAILDMRLRRLTGLERDKIEAEYNELLNYISELEAILADEEVLLQLVRDELTEIRDRFGDDRRTEIQLGGFENLEDEDLIPEEQIVITLSHNNYIKRLPVSTYRAQNRGGRGVQGMNTLEEDFVSQLVTLSTHDHVLFFTNKGRVYKLKGYEVPELSRQSKGIPVVNAIELENDEVISTMIAVKDLESEDNFLVFATKRGVVKRSALSNFSRINRNGKIAISFREDDELIAVRLTSGQEDILIGTSHASLIRFPESTLRPLGRTATGVKGITLREGDEVVGLDVAHANSVDEVLVVTENGYGKRTPVNDYRLSNRGGKGIKTATITERNGNVVCITTVTGEEDLMIVTNAGVIIRLDVADISQNGRAAQGVRLIRLGDDQFVSTVAKVKEDAEDETNEDEQSTSTVSEDGTEQQREAVVNDETPGNAIHTEVIDSEENDEDGRIEVRQDFMDRVEEDIQQSSDEE " 212 UPDATE Staphylococcus aureus parC conferring resistance to fluoroquinolone grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; sparfloxacin; levofloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant parC; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_sequences "UPDATED partial with 0 UPDATED sequence with GTGAGTGAAATAATTCAAGATTTATCACTTGAAGATGTTTTAGGTGATCGCTTTGGAAGATATAGTAAATATATTATTCAAGAGCGTGCATTGCCAGATGTTCGTGATGGTTTAAAACCAGTACAACGTCGTATTTTATATGCAATGTATTCAAGTGGTAATACACACGATAAAAATTTCCGTAAAAGTGCGAAAACAGTCGGTGATGTTATTGGTCAATATCATCCACATGGAGACTCCTCAGTGTACGAAGCAATGGTCCGTTTAAGTCAAGACTGGAAGTTACGACATGTCTTAATAGAAATGCATGGTAATAATGGTAGTATCGATAATGATCCGCCAGCGGCAATGCGTTACACTGAAGCTAAGTTAAGCTTACTAGCTGAAGAGTTATTACGTGATATTAATAAAGAGACAGTTTCTTTCATTCCAAACTATGATGATACGACACTCGAACCAATGGTATTGCCATCAAGATTTCCTAACTTACTAGTGAATGGTTCTACAGGTATATCTGCAGGTTACGCGACAGATATACCACCACATAATTTAGCTGAAGTGATTCAAGCAACACTTAAATATATTGATAATCCGGATATTACAGTCAATCAATTAATGAAATATATTAAAGGTCCTGATTTTCCAACTGGTGGTATTATTCAAGGTATTGATGGTATTAAAAAAGCTTATGAATCAGGTAAAGGTAGAATTATAGTTCGTTCTAAAGTTGAAGAAGAAACTTTACGCAATGGACGTAAACAGTTAATTATTACTGAAATTCCATATGAAGTGAACAAAAGTAGCTTAGTAAAACGTATCGATGAATTACGTGCTGACAAAAAAGTCGATGGTATCGTTGAAGTACGTGATGAAACTGATAGAACTGGTTTACGAATAGCAATTGAATTGAAAAAAGATGTGAACAGTGAATCAATCAAAAATTATCTTTATAAAAACTCTGATTTACAGATTTCATATAATTTCAACATGGTCGCTATTAGTGATGGTCGTCCAAAATTGATGGGTATTCGTCAAATTATAGATAGTTATTTGAATCACCAAATTGAGGTTGTTGCAAATAGAACGAAGTTTGAATTAGATAATGCAGAAAAACGTATGCATATCGTTGAAGGTTTGATTAAAGCGTTGTCAATTTTAGATAAAGTAATCGAATTGATTCGTAGCTCTAAAAACAAGCGTGACGCTAAAGAAAACCTTATCGAAGTATACGAGTTCACAGAAGAACAGGCTGAAGCAATTGTAATGTTACAGTTATATCGTTTAACAAATACTGACATAGTTGCGCTTGAAGGTGAACATAAAGAACTTGAAGCATTAATCAAACAATTACGTCATATTCTTGATAACCATGATGCATTATTGAATGTCATAAAAGAAGAATTGAATGAAATTAAAAAGAAATTCAAATCTGAACGACTGTCTTTAATTGAAGCAGAAATTGAAGAAATTAAAATTGACAAAGAAGTTATGGTGCCTAGTGAAGAAGTTATTTTAAGTATGACACGTCATGGATATATTAAACGTACTTCTATTCGTAGCTTTAATGCTAGCGGTGTTGAAGATATTGGTTTAAAAGATGGTGACAGTTTACTTAAACATCAAGAAGTAAATACGCAAGATACCGTACTAGTATTTACAAATAAAGGTCGTTATCTATTTATACCGGTTCATAAATTAGCAGATATTCGTTGGAAAGAATTGGGACAACATGTATCACAAATAGTTCCTATCGAAGAAGATGAAGTGGTTATTAATGTCTTTAATGAAAAGGACTTTAATACAGATGCATTTTATGTTTTTGCGACTCAAAATGGCATGATTAAGAAAAGTACAGTGCCTCTATTTAAAACAACGCGTTTTAATAAACCTTTAATTGCTACTAAAGTTAAAGAAAATGATGATTTGATTAGTGTTATGCGCTTTGAAAAAGATCAATTAATTACCGTCATTACTAATAAAGGTATGTCATTAACGTATAATACAAGTGAACTATCAGATACCGGATTAAGGGCAGCTGGTGTTAAATCAATAAATCTTAAAGCTGAAGATTTCGTTGTTATGACAGAAGGTGTTTCTGAAAATGATACTATATTGATGGCCACACAACGCGGCTCGTTAAAACGTATTAGTTTTAAAATCTTACAAGTTGCTAAAAGAGCACAACGTGGAATAACTTTATTAAAAGAATTAAAGAAAAATCCACATCGTATTGTAGCTGCACATGTAGTGACAGGTGAACATAGTCAATATACATTATATTCAAAATCAAATGAAGAACATGGTTTAATTAATGATATTCATAAATCTGAACAATATACAAATGGCTCATTCATTGTAGATACAGATGATTTTGGTGAAGTAATAGACATGTATATTAGCTAA UPDATED fmax with 1400372 UPDATED accession with NC_002951.2 UPDATED fmin with 1397969 UPDATED strand with + UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_name with Staphylococcus UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_id with 1279 UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_cvterm_id with 37074 UPDATED accession with WP_001289569.1 UPDATED sequence with MSEIIQDLSLEDVLGDRFGRYSKYIIQERALPDVRDGLKPVQRRILYAMYSSGNTHDKNFRKSAKTVGDVIGQYHPHGDSSVYEAMVRLSQDWKLRHVLIEMHGNNGSIDNDPPAAMRYTEAKLSLLAEELLRDINKETVSFIPNYDDTTLEPMVLPSRFPNLLVNGSTGISAGYATDIPPHNLAEVIQATLKYIDNPDITVNQLMKYIKGPDFPTGGIIQGIDGIKKAYESGKGRIIVRSKVEEETLRNGRKQLIITEIPYEVNKSSLVKRIDELRADKKVDGIVEVRDETDRTGLRIAIELKKDVNSESIKNYLYKNSDLQISYNFNMVAISDGRPKLMGIRQIIDSYLNHQIEVVANRTKFELDNAEKRMHIVEGLIKALSILDKVIELIRSSKNKRDAKENLIEVYEFTEEQAEAIVMLQLYRLTNTDIVALEGEHKELEALIKQLRHILDNHDALLNVIKEELNEIKKKFKSERLSLIEAEIEEIKIDKEVMVPSEEVILSMTRHGYIKRTSIRSFNASGVEDIGLKDGDSLLKHQEVNTQDTVLVFTNKGRYLFIPVHKLADIRWKELGQHVSQIVPIEEDEVVINVFNEKDFNTDAFYVFATQNGMIKKSTVPLFKTTRFNKPLIATKVKENDDLISVMRFEKDQLITVITNKGMSLTYNTSELSDTGLRAAGVKSINLKAEDFVVMTEGVSENDTILMATQRGSLKRISFKILQVAKRAQRGITLLKELKKNPHRIVAAHVVTGEHSQYTLYSKSNEEHGLINDIHKSEQYTNGSFIVDTDDFGEVIDMYIS " 3289 UPDATE tet(52) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 3628 UPDATE Neisseria gonorrhoeae PBP2 conferring resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics penam; cephalosporin; Penicillin-binding protein mutations conferring resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics; antibiotic target alteration; cephamycin; cefixime; ceftriaxone; model_param "DELETED 9298 DELETED 9298 " 2291 UPDATE Chlamydia trachomatis intrinsic murA conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant murA transferase; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant murA transferase " 196 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis embB mutant conferring resistance to ethambutol antibiotic target alteration; polyamine antibiotic; ethambutol; ethambutol resistant embB; ARO_category; model_param "DELETED 39310 UPDATED category_aro_name with ethambutol resistant embB UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36374 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000235 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with embB gene encodes for an arabinosyl transferase in the arabinogalactan synthesis pathway. It is inhibited by ethambutol. Mutations within the ERDR region of embB confers resistance to ethambutol. UPDATED 9479 with L172R UPDATED 9468 with E378A UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9478 with N13S UPDATED 9480 with R213Q UPDATED param_type_id with 43013 UPDATED param_type with Indeterminate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as indeterminate means that there is no statistically significant threshold reached and additional data is required. LR is indeterminate. UPDATED 9487 with Y319C UPDATED 9471 with G406C UPDATED 9476 with Q497R UPDATED 9474 with A454T UPDATED 9465 with Y334H UPDATED 9489 with F330S UPDATED 9488 with D328Y UPDATED 9482 with N296H UPDATED 9481 with S22C UPDATED 9469 with L402V UPDATED 9486 with Y319S UPDATED 9484 with M306V UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9472 with G406D UPDATED 9483 with M306L UPDATED 9477 with D1024N UPDATED 9475 with Q497K UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9473 with G406A UPDATED 9467 with D354A UPDATED 9466 with S347I UPDATED 9470 with G406S UPDATED 9485 with M306I UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 2297 UPDATE Enterococcus faecalis liaR mutant conferring daptomycin resistance antibiotic efflux; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; peptide antibiotic; daptomycin resistant liaR; antibiotic target alteration; daptomycin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 2296 UPDATE Enterococcus faecalis liaS mutant conferring daptomycin resistance antibiotic efflux; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; peptide antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; daptomycin resistant liaS; daptomycin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 1203 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis ndh with mutation conferring resistance to isoniazid isoniazid; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic resistant ndh; model_param "UPDATED 9586 with -nt-134:G UPDATED 9584 with G313R UPDATED 9585 with -nt-132:G UPDATED param_type_id with 43013 UPDATED param_type with Indeterminate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as indeterminate means that there is no statistically significant threshold reached and additional data is required. LR is indeterminate. UPDATED 9582 with -nt-134:G UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9583 with R268H UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9581 with -nt-132:G UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. " 660 UPDATE Streptococcus pneumoniae parC conferring resistance to fluoroquinolone grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; sparfloxacin; levofloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant parC; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_sequences; model_param "UPDATED partial with 0 UPDATED sequence with TTGTATCTTATGTCTAACATTCAAAACATGTCCCTGGAGGACATCATGGGAGAGCGCTTTGGTCGCTACTCCAAGTACATTATTCAAGACCGGGCTTTGCCAGATATTCGTGATGGGTTGAAGCCGGTTCAACGCCGTATTCTTTATTCTATGAATAAGGATAGCAATACTTTTGACAAGAGCTACCGTAAGTCGGCCAAGTCAGTCGGGAACATCATGGGGAATTTCCACCCACACGGGGATTCTTCTATCTATGATGCCATGGTTCGTATGTCACAGAACTGGAAAAATCGTGAGATTCTAGTTGAAATGCACGGTAATAACGGTTCTATGGACGGAGATCCTCCTGCGGCTATGCGTTATACTGAGGCACGTTTGTCTGAAATTGCAGGCTACCTTCTTCAGGATATCGAGAAAAAGACAGTTCCTTTTGCATGGAACTTTGACGATACGGAGAAAGAACCAACGGTCTTGCCAGCAGCCTTTCCAAACCTCTTGGTCAATGGTTCGACTGGGATTTCGGCTGGTTATGCCACAGACATTCCTCCCCATAATTTAGCTGAGGTCATAGATGCTGCAGTTTACATGATTGACCACCCAACTGCAAAGATTGATAAACTCATGGAATTCTTACCTGGACCAGACTTCCCTACAGGGGCTATTATTCAGGGTCGTGATGAAATCAAGAAAGCCTATGAGACTGGGAAAGGGCGCGTGGTTGTTCGTTCCAAGACTGAAATTGAAAAGCTAAAAGGTGGTAAGGAACAAATCGTTATTACTGAGATTCCTTATGAAATCAATAAGGCCAATCTAGTCAAGAAAATCGATGATGTTCGTGTTAATAACAAGGTAGCTGGGATTGCTGAGGTTCGTGATGAGTCTGACCGTGATGGTCTTCGTATCGCTATTGAACTTAAGAAAGACGCTAATACTGAGCTTGTTCTCAACTACTTATTTAAGTACACCGACCTACAAATCAACTACAACTTTAATATGGTGGCGATTGACAATTTCACACCTCGTCAGGTTGGGATTGTTCCAATCCTGTCTAGCTACATCGCTCACCGTCGAGAAGTGATTTTGGCGCGTTCACGCTTTGACAAAGAAAAGGCTGAGAAACGTCTCCGTATCGTCGAAGGTTTGATTCGTGTGATTTCGATTTTGGATGAAGTCATTGCTCTTATCCGTGCTTCTGAGAATAAGGCGGACGCCAAGGAAAACCTCAAAGTTAGCTATGATTTTACGGAAGAACAGGCTGAGGCTATCGTAACTTTGCAACTGTACCGTTTGACCAATACCGATGTGGTTGTCTTGCAGGAAGAAGAAGCAGAGCTTCGTGAGAAGATTGCTATGCTGGCGGCTATTATCGGTGATGAAAGGACTATGTACAATCTCATGAAGAAAGAACTTCGTGAGGTCAAGAAGAACTTTGCAACTCCTCGTTTGAGTTCTTTAGAAGACACTGCGAAAGCAATTGAGATTGATACAGCTAGTCTTATCGCTGAGGAAGATACCTACGTCAGCGTGACCAAGGCAGGTTACATCAAGCGTACCAGTCCACGTTCCTTTGCGGCTTCCACCTTGGAAGAAATTGGCAAGCGTGATGATGACCGTTTGATTTTTGTTCAATCTGCCAAGACAACCCAGCACCTCTTGATGTTCACAAGTCTTGGAAATGTCATCTACAGACCAATCCATGAGTTGGCAGATATTCGTTGGAAGGACATCGGAGAGCATCTGAGCCAAACCATCACAAACTTTGAAACGAATGAAGCAATCCTTTATGTGGAAGTACTGGATCAGTTTGACGATGCGACAACCTACTTTGCAGCGACTCGCCTTGGTCAAATCAAACGGGTAGAGCGAAAAGAATTCACTCCATGGCGGACCTATAGATCTAAGTCTGTCAAGTATGCTAAGCTCAAAGACGATACAGATCAGATTGTAGCAGTGGCTCCGATTAAACTAGATGATGTTGTCTTGGTTAGTCAAAATGGTTATGCCCTGCGTTTCAATATCGAAGAGGTTCCGGTTGTCGGTGCTAAGGCAGCAGGTGTCAAGGCTATGAATTTGAAAGAAGATGATGTCCTCCAATCTGGCTTTATCTGTAATACTTCGTCCTTCTACCTCTTGACCCAGCGTGGAAGCTTGAAACGTGTTTCCATTGAGGAAATTCTAGCAACCAGCCGTGCCAAACGAGGATTACAAGTCTTGCGTGAGTTGAAAAACAAACCGCATCGTGTCTTCTTGGCAGGAGCAGTTGCAGAGCAAGGATTTGTTGGCGATTTCTTCAGTACGGAAGTGGATGTGAACGACCAAACTCTGCTTGTCCAATCCAATAAAGGAACAATCTATGAAAGCCGATTGCAAGACTTGAACTTGTCAGAACGCACTAGCAATGGAAGCTTCATTTCTGACACGATTTCAGATGAAGAAGTTTTTGACGCTTATCTTCAGGAAGTAGTTACTGAAGATAAATAA UPDATED fmax with 754721 UPDATED accession with NC_003098.1 UPDATED fmin with 752240 UPDATED strand with + UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_name with Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_id with 171101 UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_cvterm_id with 39596 UPDATED accession with NP_358351.1 UPDATED sequence with MYLMSNIQNMSLEDIMGERFGRYSKYIIQDRALPDIRDGLKPVQRRILYSMNKDSNTFDKSYRKSAKSVGNIMGNFHPHGDSSIYDAMVRMSQNWKNREILVEMHGNNGSMDGDPPAAMRYTEARLSEIAGYLLQDIEKKTVPFAWNFDDTEKEPTVLPAAFPNLLVNGSTGISAGYATDIPPHNLAEVIDAAVYMIDHPTAKIDKLMEFLPGPDFPTGAIIQGRDEIKKAYETGKGRVVVRSKTEIEKLKGGKEQIVITEIPYEINKANLVKKIDDVRVNNKVAGIAEVRDESDRDGLRIAIELKKDANTELVLNYLFKYTDLQINYNFNMVAIDNFTPRQVGIVPILSSYIAHRREVILARSRFDKEKAEKRLRIVEGLIRVISILDEVIALIRASENKADAKENLKVSYDFTEEQAEAIVTLQLYRLTNTDVVVLQEEEAELREKIAMLAAIIGDERTMYNLMKKELREVKKNFATPRLSSLEDTAKAIEIDTASLIAEEDTYVSVTKAGYIKRTSPRSFAASTLEEIGKRDDDRLIFVQSAKTTQHLLMFTSLGNVIYRPIHELADIRWKDIGEHLSQTITNFETNEAILYVEVLDQFDDATTYFAATRLGQIKRVERKEFTPWRTYRSKSVKYAKLKDDTDQIVAVAPIKLDDVVLVSQNGYALRFNIEEVPVVGAKAAGVKAMNLKEDDVLQSGFICNTSSFYLLTQRGSLKRVSIEEILATSRAKRGLQVLRELKNKPHRVFLAGAVAEQGFVGDFFSTEVDVNDQTLLVQSNKGTIYESRLQDLNLSERTSNGSFISDTISDEEVFDAYLQEVVTEDK UPDATED 9865 with S82Y UPDATED 9867 with D86H UPDATED 9866 with S82F UPDATED 9865 with S82Y UPDATED 9867 with D86H UPDATED 9866 with S82F DELETED experimental " 1935 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis gyrA conferring resistance to fluoroquinolones grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant gyrA; levofloxacin; sparfloxacin; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_param "UPDATED 9608 with G668D UPDATED 9607 with S95T UPDATED 9624 with A384V UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9603 with D94N UPDATED 9605 with D94G UPDATED 9604 with D94Y UPDATED 9610 with A90V UPDATED 9606 with D94Y UPDATED 9609 with G88C UPDATED 9611 with D94N UPDATED 9614 with D94G UPDATED 9628 with D94H UPDATED 9622 with D94A UPDATED 9623 with D94G UPDATED 9612 with D94H UPDATED 9621 with D94Y UPDATED 9620 with D94N UPDATED 9626 with A90V UPDATED 9625 with D89N UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9627 with S91P UPDATED 9613 with D94A UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 2271 UPDATE Staphylococcus mupB conferring resistance to mupirocin antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS); antibiotic target alteration; mupirocin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS) " 3308 UPDATE Tet(47) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 2092 UPDATE Klebsiella aerogenes acrR with mutation conferring multidrug antibiotic resistance penam; antibiotic efflux; triclosan; rifampin; resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) antibiotic efflux pump; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; efflux pump complex or subunit conferring antibiotic resistance; antibiotic target alteration; tetracycline antibiotic; cephalosporin; cefalotin; tigecycline; glycylcycline; ampicillin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; rifamycin antibiotic; phenicol antibiotic; tetracycline; chloramphenicol; model_param "UPDATED param_description with A frameshift is a type of genetic mutation caused by a nucleotide insertion or deletion that does not equal 3 bases. This changes the grouping of codons and thus the reading frame during translation, resulting in an incomplete or inactive protein product. Many frameshift mutations generate downstream STOP codons, resulting in premature peptide translation termination. Frameshifts may also confer antibiotic resistance through partial or total protein loss-of-function. Frameshift mutations are included with relevant models when applicable, with the following notation: [wild-type AA][position]fs;[[wild-type AA][position]STOP], where AA is an amino acid. If the premature STOP codon position is unknown or does not exist, [wild-type AA][position]fs is sufficient. Termination can also be denoted as: Ter[position]fs. This parameter is currently not included in detection algorithms. " 2800 UPDATE cfrC antibiotic target alteration; phenicol antibiotic; florfenicol; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; chloramphenicol; ARO_category "DELETED 36218 " 3302 UPDATE tet(56) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 3651 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis 16S rRNA mutation conferring resistance to capreomycin antibiotic target alteration; capreomycin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; 16s rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics; model_param "UPDATED 9446 with G1484T UPDATED 9445 with A1401G UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9447 with A514C UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 3292 UPDATE tet(54) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 3293 UPDATE tet(55) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 3348 UPDATE cfr(B) chloramphenicol; linezolid; antibiotic target alteration; oxazolidinone antibiotic; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; lincosamide antibiotic; ARO_category "DELETED 35945 " 3284 UPDATE tet(48) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 696 UPDATE cfrA dalfopristin; thiamphenicol; pristinamycin IIA; pleuromutilin antibiotic; tiamulin; madumycin II; griseoviridin; lincomycin; streptogramin antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; lincosamide antibiotic; azidamfenicol; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; chloramphenicol; ARO_category "DELETED 36218 " 851 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis pncA mutations conferring resistance to pyrazinamide antibiotic target alteration; pyrazinamide resistant pncA; pyrazinamide; model_param "UPDATED 9703 with G-1319A UPDATED 9654 with I6L UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9649 with D49G UPDATED 9673 with T100P UPDATED 9697 with V180F UPDATED 9652 with P54L UPDATED 9653 with H57D UPDATED 9650 with I5T UPDATED 9651 with H51R UPDATED 9656 with F58S UPDATED 9657 with I6T UPDATED 9672 with G97S UPDATED 9655 with H57R UPDATED 9658 with P62S UPDATED 9659 with D63G UPDATED 9678 with T114fs UPDATED 9679 with L116R UPDATED 9671 with L85R UPDATED 9689 with C138R UPDATED 9688 with C14R UPDATED 9681 with D12A UPDATED 9680 with L117fs UPDATED 9683 with V131fs UPDATED 9685 with T135P UPDATED 9684 with I133T UPDATED 9687 with D136fs UPDATED 9686 with D136Y UPDATED 9667 with D8N UPDATED 9666 with T76P UPDATED 9664 with V7G UPDATED 9663 with P69R UPDATED 9662 with W68G UPDATED 9661 with W68R UPDATED 9660 with S67P UPDATED 9700 with L182S UPDATED 9647 with L4S UPDATED 9646 with Y34D UPDATED 9669 with H82R UPDATED 9668 with D8H UPDATED 9674 with Q10P UPDATED 9702 with A-11G UPDATED 9675 with Q10R UPDATED 9676 with Y103STOP UPDATED 9648 with D49N UPDATED 9677 with G108STOP UPDATED 9698 with V180A UPDATED 9699 with V180G UPDATED 9696 with M175V UPDATED 9670 with D8E UPDATED 9694 with L151S UPDATED 9695 with S164STOP UPDATED 9692 with A146E UPDATED 9693 with A146V UPDATED 9690 with V139G UPDATED 9691 with Q141P UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9701 with A-11C UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9665 with H71R UPDATED 9682 with V128G UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 1642 UPDATE clbC dalfopristin; thiamphenicol; pristinamycin IIA; pleuromutilin antibiotic; tiamulin; madumycin II; griseoviridin; lincomycin; streptogramin antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; lincosamide antibiotic; azidamfenicol; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; chloramphenicol; ARO_category "DELETED 36218 " 2131 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis 16S rRNA mutation conferring resistance to streptomycin antibiotic target alteration; streptomycin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; 16s rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics; model_param "UPDATED 9846 with A1401G UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. UPDATED 9847 with C492T UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9849 with C517T UPDATED 9848 with A514C UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. " 2373 UPDATE Escherichia coli UhpT with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant UhpT; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant UhpT " 2820 UPDATE Chlamydia trachomatis 23S rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to macrolide antibiotics antibiotic target alteration; 23S rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to macrolide antibiotics; macrolide antibiotic; model_param "DELETED 8718 UPDATED 9887 with T2663C UPDATED 9886 with A2109G UPDATED 9885 with A2107G UPDATED 9884 with A2107C DELETED 8718 UPDATED 9887 with T2663C UPDATED 9886 with A2109G UPDATED 9885 with A2107G UPDATED 9884 with A2107C " 953 UPDATE Enterococcus faecalis liaF mutant conferring daptomycin resistance antibiotic efflux; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; peptide antibiotic; daptomycin resistant liaF; antibiotic target alteration; daptomycin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 3290 UPDATE tet(53) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 3285 UPDATE tet(49) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 1197 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis rpsL mutations conferring resistance to Streptomycin antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant rpsL; streptomycin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; ARO_category; model_param "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant rpsL UPDATED 9845 with K88R UPDATED 9844 with K43R UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. " 2381 UPDATE Staphylococcus aureus UhpT with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant UhpT; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant UhpT " 2380 UPDATE Staphylococcus aureus GlpT with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant GlpT; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant GlpT " 3300 UPDATE clcD dalfopristin; quinupristin; quinupristin-dalfopristin; pleuromutilin antibiotic; tiamulin; linezolid; florfenicol; oxazolidinone antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; streptogramin antibiotic; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; lincosamide antibiotic; ARO_category "DELETED 35919 " 2386 UPDATE cipA dalfopristin; thiamphenicol; pristinamycin IIA; pleuromutilin antibiotic; tiamulin; madumycin II; griseoviridin; lincomycin; streptogramin antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; lincosamide antibiotic; azidamfenicol; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; chloramphenicol; ARO_category "DELETED 36218 " 2070 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis 16S rRNA mutation conferring resistance to amikacin antibiotic target alteration; amikacin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; 16s rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics; model_param "UPDATED 9440 with G1484T UPDATED 9439 with A1401G UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9443 with C517T UPDATED 9441 with C492T UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9442 with A514C UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 571 UPDATE clbA dalfopristin; thiamphenicol; pristinamycin IIA; pleuromutilin antibiotic; tiamulin; madumycin II; griseoviridin; lincomycin; streptogramin antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; lincosamide antibiotic; azidamfenicol; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; chloramphenicol; ARO_category "DELETED 36218 " 1176 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis katG mutations conferring resistance to isoniazid isoniazid; isoniazid resistant katG; antibiotic target alteration; model_param "UPDATED 9553 with V469L UPDATED param_type_id with 43013 UPDATED param_type with Indeterminate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as indeterminate means that there is no statistically significant threshold reached and additional data is required. LR is indeterminate. UPDATED 9560 with I317V UPDATED 9558 with S315R UPDATED 9555 with W191R UPDATED 9554 with T667P UPDATED 9557 with S315T UPDATED 9556 with S315N UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9552 with R463L UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. " 632 UPDATE basR pmr phosphoethanolamine transferase; peptide antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; antibiotic efflux; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 1237 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis rpoB mutants conferring resistance to rifampicin rifampin; rifapentine; rifabutin; rifamycin-resistant beta-subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoB); antibiotic target replacement; antibiotic target alteration; rifaximin; rifamycin antibiotic; model_param "UPDATED 9799 with C-61T UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9798 with E250G UPDATED param_type_id with 43013 UPDATED param_type with Indeterminate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as indeterminate means that there is no statistically significant threshold reached and additional data is required. LR is indeterminate. UPDATED 9793 with R827H UPDATED 9795 with G836S UPDATED 9790 with I480V UPDATED 9743 with H445Y UPDATED 9791 with F503S UPDATED 9780 with M434I UPDATED 9792 with L731P UPDATED 9782 with D435G UPDATED 9783 with D435V UPDATED 9784 with H445Y UPDATED 9785 with H445R UPDATED 9742 with S450L UPDATED 9794 with H835R UPDATED 9775 with H445D UPDATED 9797 with I1106T UPDATED 9777 with S450L UPDATED 9788 with P45L UPDATED 9787 with S450W UPDATED 9779 with Q432P UPDATED 9796 with Q975H UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9781 with D435Y UPDATED 9778 with L430P UPDATED 9789 with L452P UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9776 with H445L UPDATED 9786 with P45S UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 1339 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis embR mutant conferring resistance to ethambutol antibiotic target alteration; ethambutol resistant embR; ethambutol; polyamine antibiotic; ARO_category; model_param "DELETED 39310 UPDATED category_aro_name with ethambutol resistant embR UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 40047 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3003454 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Mutations that occurs on the embR genes resulting in the resistance to ethambutol UPDATED 9494 with C372G UPDATED 9495 with F376L UPDATED 9496 with C110Y UPDATED 9497 with C-207G UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. " 756 UPDATE Enterococcus faecium liaR mutant conferring daptomycin resistance antibiotic efflux; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; peptide antibiotic; daptomycin resistant liaR; antibiotic target alteration; daptomycin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 3745 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis 23S rRNA mutation conferring resistance to capreomycin antibiotic target alteration; capreomycin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; 23s rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics; model_param "UPDATED 9444 with C344T UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. " 2284 UPDATE Escherichia coli murA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant murA transferase; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant murA transferase " 2285 UPDATE Staphylococcus aureus murA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant murA transferase; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant murA transferase " 2286 UPDATE Borreliella burgdorferi murA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant murA transferase; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant murA transferase " 1354 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis embA mutant conferring resistance to ethambutol ethambutol resistant embA; antibiotic target alteration; ethambutol; polyamine antibiotic; ARO_category; model_param "DELETED 39310 UPDATED category_aro_name with ethambutol resistant embA UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 40045 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3003452 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Mutations that occurs on the embA genes resulting in the resistance to ethambutol UPDATED 9458 with C-12T UPDATED 9459 with C-16A UPDATED 9457 with C-11A UPDATED 9464 with C-8T UPDATED 9460 with C-16G UPDATED 9463 with C-4A UPDATED 9462 with G-43C UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9455 with P913S UPDATED 9456 with V206M UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9461 with C-16T UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 3403 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis rpsA mutations conferring resistance to pyrazinamide antibiotic target alteration; pyrazinamide resistant rpsA; pyrazinamide; model_param "UPDATED 9719 with A381V UPDATED 9722 with Ter482fs UPDATED 9720 with A412V UPDATED 9721 with A440T UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. " 2295 UPDATE Enterococcus faecium liaF mutant conferring daptomycin resistance antibiotic efflux; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; peptide antibiotic; daptomycin resistant liaF; antibiotic target alteration; daptomycin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 489 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis gidB mutation conferring resistance to streptomycin antibiotic target alteration; streptomycin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; antibiotic resistant gidB; model_param "UPDATED 9843 with L16R UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9841 with E92D UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9842 with R118fs UPDATED 9840 with L79S UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. " 127 UPDATE clbB dalfopristin; thiamphenicol; pristinamycin IIA; pleuromutilin antibiotic; tiamulin; madumycin II; griseoviridin; lincomycin; streptogramin antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; lincosamide antibiotic; azidamfenicol; clindamycin; phenicol antibiotic; Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferase; chloramphenicol; ARO_category "DELETED 36218 " 3287 UPDATE tet(50) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 2132 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis 16S rRNA mutation conferring resistance to kanamycin kanamycin A; antibiotic target alteration; aminoglycoside antibiotic; 16s rRNA with mutation conferring resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics; model_param "UPDATED 9599 with A1401G UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9601 with C517T UPDATED 9600 with A514C UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. " 100 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis ethA with mutation conferring resistance to ethionamide antibiotic target alteration; ethionamide; ethionamide resistant ethA; model_param "UPDATED 9508 with Y147STOP UPDATED 9506 with P422fs UPDATED 9507 with G11fs UPDATED 9504 with T342K UPDATED 9505 with N379D UPDATED 9511 with A-11G UPDATED 9510 with H281P UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9509 with S266R UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. " 3701 UPDATE Neisseria gonorrhoeae folP with mutation conferring resistance to sulfonamides antibiotic target alteration; sulfonamide resistant dihydropteroate synthase folP; sulfonamide antibiotic; model_param "UPDATED 9878 with R228S UPDATED 9878 with R228S " 249 UPDATE basS pmr phosphoethanolamine transferase; peptide antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; antibiotic efflux; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 2376 UPDATE Escherichia coli UhpA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant UhpT; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant UhpT " 2290 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis intrinsic murA conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant murA transferase; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant murA transferase " 3649 UPDATE Neisseria gonorrhoea mtrR with mutation conferring resistance antibiotic efflux; resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) antibiotic efflux pump; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; macrolide antibiotic; efflux pump complex or subunit conferring antibiotic resistance; azithromycin; erythromycin; model_param "UPDATED 9876 with -nt-GGATAAAAAGTCTTTTT:A UPDATED 9877 with +nt-GGATAAAAAGTCTTTTT:TT UPDATED param_type_id with 43161 UPDATED param_type with disruptive mutation in regulatory element UPDATED param_description with A mutation, i.e. insertion, deletion or other, in the promoter region of a gene which disrupts the translation of that gene, thereby impacting protein function. " 2372 UPDATE Escherichia coli GlpT with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant GlpT; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant GlpT " 1849 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis tlyA mutations conferring resistance to aminoglycosides antibiotic target alteration; capreomycin; streptomycin; aminoglycoside antibiotic; Antibiotic resistant tlyA; model_param "UPDATED 9448 with K31fs UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. " 2276 UPDATE Staphylococcus aureus ileS with mutation conferring resistance to mupirocin antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS); antibiotic target alteration; mupirocin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS) " 1432 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis embC mutant conferring resistance to ethambutol ethambutol resistant embC; antibiotic target alteration; ethambutol; polyamine antibiotic; ARO_category; model_param "DELETED 39310 UPDATED category_aro_name with ethambutol resistant embC UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 39140 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3002706 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Mycobacterium tuberculosis embC mutations at codon 270 confer resistance to ethambutol. UPDATED 9490 with V981L UPDATED 9491 with N394D UPDATED 9493 with T270I UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9492 with V987G UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 2270 UPDATE Staphylococcus mupA conferring resistance to mupirocin antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS); antibiotic target alteration; mupirocin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS) " 3288 UPDATE tet(51) tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic inactivation; tetracycline inactivation enzyme; ARO_description; ARO_category "UPDATED ARO_description with A tetracycline inactivating enzyme. A flavoenzyme capable of degrading tetracycline antibiotics. DELETED 35921 UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic inactivation UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36000 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0001004 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotic to confer drug resistance. UPDATED category_aro_name with tetracycline inactivation enzyme UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36176 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000036 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with Enzymes or other gene products which hydroxylate tetracycline and other tetracycline derivatives. Hydroxylation inactivates tetracycline-like antibiotics, thus conferring resistance to these compounds. " 2083 UPDATE Mycoplasma hominis parC conferring resistance to fluoroquinolone grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; sparfloxacin; levofloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant parC; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_param "UPDATED 9862 with S91I UPDATED 9864 with K149R UPDATED 9862 with S91I UPDATED 9864 with K149R " 2314 UPDATE Acinetobacter baumannii gyrA conferring resistance to fluoroquinolones grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant gyrA; levofloxacin; sparfloxacin; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_param "UPDATED 9882 with S81L UPDATED 9881 with G79C UPDATED 9882 with S81L UPDATED 9881 with G79C " 2315 UPDATE Acinetobacter baumannii parC conferring resistance to fluoroquinolone grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; sparfloxacin; levofloxacin; fluoroquinolone resistant parC; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; ciprofloxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_sequences; model_param "UPDATED partial with 0 UPDATED sequence with ATGACCAGCCTTGCGCATCATGCGACAGAAAACCGCTCTGTAGCCGAATTTACTGAACAGGCTTACTTGAATTATGCCATGTACGTCATTATGGACCGTGCATTGCCGCATATCAGTGATGGCTTAAAGCCCGTACAGCGCCGTATTGTCTATGCTATGAGCGAGCTAGGCTTAAAAAGCAGTGGCAAGCCAAAAAAATCAGCGCGTACAGTGGGTGATGTACTTGGTAAATACCACCCACATGGTGACTTGGCATGTTATGAAGCCATGGTACTCATGGCTCAGCCATTTAGTTACCGCTATCCTTTAATCGAAGGTCAGGGGAACTGGGGTTCACCAGATGATCCTAAATCTTTTGCTGCGATGCGTTATACCGAAGCCAAACTCTCGGCTTATAGTGAATTATTGCTGAGCGAATTAGGTCAGGGCACTAGCGAATGGCAAGATAACTTTGATGGTTCTTTAAAAGAACCGATCACTTTACCTGCACGTGTACCTAATATTCTTCTTAATGGTACGACAGGTATTGCTGTCGGGATGGCAACTGATATCCCGCCACATAATTTGCGTGAAGTTGTAAAAGGCACAATTGCTTTAATCCGTAATCCGCAAACCTCGGACGAAAAATTAGCTGAATATATTCCGGCTCCGGATTTACCAACCAAAGCTGAAATTATTACCCCGCCAGAAGAATTACTCAAAATCCAGACCACTGGTCGTGGTAGTTACCGTATGCGAGCGGTATATACCATTGAGAAAAATGAAATCGTAATTACTGAGCTGCCATATCAAGTCTCTGGTTCTAAGGTAATTACTCAAATTGCTGACCAGATGCAGGCTAAAAAGCTGCCATTAGTCGTTGATGTGCGTGATGAATCGGATCATGAAAACCCGACACGACTCGTGATTGTACTGCGCTCTAACCGTATTGATGCGGAAGCAGTAATGAGTCACTTATTTGCGACCACCGATTTAGAATCAAGCTATCGTGTCAATTTAAACATGATTGGCGAAGATGGCCGTCCTCAGGTGAAATCAATTCGTCGTATTTTGCTTGAATGGATCGAGATCCGTAAAAAAACGGTAACTCGTCGTTTGCAGTACCATTTAAACCGTATTGAAAAGCGCCTGCATATTTTGGCAGGTCTTTTAATTGCTTATCTCGATATTGATACAGTCATTCGTATTATTCGTGAAGAAGACCAGCCTAAGCCAGTCTTGATGGAACACTTTAATATTGATGAGATACAGGCCGAGGCGATTTTAGAGCTTAAATTACGTCATTTGGCAAAGCTTGAAGAGATGGAAATTCGTCATGAACAAGATGAGCTTTCCGCGAAAGCTGCCATTATTCGTGAACAACTCGAAAATCCTGAATCTTTAAAAAATTTGATTATTGGCGAATTAAAAGAAGATGCGAAAAAGTTCGGTGATGAGCGCCGTTCTCCAATTGTTGCACGTGCTGAAGCGGTTCAAATTAAAGAACAGGATTTAATGCCAGCTGAAACGGTAACAGTCGTGTTGTCTGAAGCAGGCTGGGTTCGTGCGGCAAAAGGTGCGGATGTGGATGCTGAAAATCTGAACTACCGTGCTGGGGACCAATATTTAAGTCATGCTGTCGGGAAAACCAATCAGCGAGTTTACTTCCTTGATGAAACAGGGCGCAGCTATGCCTTGCCAATTAGTAACTTACCTTCAGCGAGAGGCTTGGGGGATCCATTAAGTTCTAAATTATCACCAGCAAGTGGCGTATCGTTTATTCAGGTTTATTTAGATGATGATGAGTCTGAGTTGATTGCTGCAAGTTCGGCAGGTTATGGTTTTAAAACGCAAACCAAGCAATTAGATACCAATGCGAAAGCCGGTAAGACATTCTTAACGGTTCCGGATAAGGCAAAGGCTTTACCACTTATTTCTGCCCAAAACATGACGCATTTGGCTGTACTGAGCTCAGCAGGGCGTTTGTTAATTTTAGATTTGGCAGAACTACCAAATTTAAATAAAGGTAAAGGTAATAAGTTGATACAACTTGAAGGCAAAGAGCAAATTTTATCCATGACAACCCTGAACTTAGATGAAATAATTCAGGTGGTTGCAGGTCAACAACATCTCAAATTAAAAGGTGATGATCTACAAAAATACATGGGTAAACGTGCTTCGAAAGGTCAGCTCTTACCACGTGGATATCAAAAAGCAAATAAACTGTTGATTCAGAGATAA UPDATED fmax with 3047346 UPDATED accession with NZ_CP009257.1 UPDATED fmin with 3045126 UPDATED strand with + UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_name with Acinetobacter UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_id with 469 UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_cvterm_id with 37046 UPDATED accession with WP_000202252.1 UPDATED sequence with MTSLAHHATENRSVAEFTEQAYLNYAMYVIMDRALPHISDGLKPVQRRIVYAMSELGLKSSGKPKKSARTVGDVLGKYHPHGDLACYEAMVLMAQPFSYRYPLIEGQGNWGSPDDPKSFAAMRYTEAKLSAYSELLLSELGQGTSEWQDNFDGSLKEPITLPARVPNILLNGTTGIAVGMATDIPPHNLREVVKGTIALIRNPQTSDEKLAEYIPAPDLPTKAEIITPPEELLKIQTTGRGSYRMRAVYTIEKNEIVITELPYQVSGSKVITQIADQMQAKKLPLVVDVRDESDHENPTRLVIVLRSNRIDAEAVMSHLFATTDLESSYRVNLNMIGEDGRPQVKSIRRILLEWIEIRKKTVTRRLQYHLNRIEKRLHILAGLLIAYLDIDTVIRIIREEDQPKPVLMEHFNIDEIQAEAILELKLRHLAKLEEMEIRHEQDELSAKAAIIREQLENPESLKNLIIGELKEDAKKFGDERRSPIVARAEAVQIKEQDLMPAETVTVVLSEAGWVRAAKGADVDAENLNYRAGDQYLSHAVGKTNQRVYFLDETGRSYALPISNLPSARGLGDPLSSKLSPASGVSFIQVYLDDDESELIAASSAGYGFKTQTKQLDTNAKAGKTFLTVPDKAKALPLISAQNMTHLAVLSSAGRLLILDLAELPNLNKGKGNKLIQLEGKEQILSMTTLNLDEIIQVVAGQQHLKLKGDDLQKYMGKRASKGQLLPRGYQKANKLLIQR UPDATED 9874 with D105E UPDATED 9872 with S84L UPDATED 9873 with V104I UPDATED 9874 with D105E UPDATED 9872 with S84L UPDATED 9873 with V104I " 2278 UPDATE Bifidobacterium ileS conferring resistance to mupirocin antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS); antibiotic target alteration; mupirocin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS) " 2109 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis gyrB mutant conferring resistance to fluoroquinolone fluoroquinolone resistant gyrB; grepafloxacin; trovafloxacin; ofloxacin; norfloxacin; nalidixic acid; lomefloxacin; gatifloxacin; levofloxacin; sparfloxacin; antibiotic target alteration; enoxacin; pefloxacin; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; moxifloxacin; model_param "UPDATED 9616 with E501D UPDATED 9630 with N499T UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9632 with I271M UPDATED param_type_id with 43013 UPDATED param_type with Indeterminate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as indeterminate means that there is no statistically significant threshold reached and additional data is required. LR is indeterminate. UPDATED 9631 with P94L UPDATED 9633 with M291I UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. UPDATED 9629 with V457L UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9615 with V457L UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 2144 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis variant bovis embB with mutation conferring resistance to ethambutol antibiotic target alteration; polyamine antibiotic; ethambutol; ethambutol resistant embB; ARO_category "DELETED 39310 UPDATED category_aro_name with ethambutol resistant embB UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36374 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000235 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with AMR Gene Family UPDATED category_aro_description with embB gene encodes for an arabinosyl transferase in the arabinogalactan synthesis pathway. It is inhibited by ethambutol. Mutations within the ERDR region of embB confers resistance to ethambutol. " 2378 UPDATE Escherichia coli cyaA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin antibiotic-resistant cya adenylate cyclase; fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant cya adenylate cyclase " 2379 UPDATE Escherichia coli cyaA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin antibiotic-resistant cya adenylate cyclase; fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant cya adenylate cyclase " 412 UPDATE OXA-117 penam; antibiotic inactivation; cephalosporin; OXA beta-lactamase; model_sequences "UPDATED partial with 0 UPDATED sequence with ATGAACATTAAAGCACTCTTACTTATAACAAGCGCTATTTTTATTTCAGCCTGCTCACCTTATATAGTGTCTGCTAATCCAAATCACAGTGCTTCAAAATCTGATGAAAAAGCAGAGAAAATTAAAAATTTATTTAACGAAGCACACACTACGGGTGTTTTAGTTATCCAACAAGGCCAAACTCAACAAAGCTATGGTAATGATCTTGCTCGTGCTTCGACCGAGTATGTACCTGCTTCGACCTTCAAAATGCTTAATGCTTTGATCGGCCTTGAGCACCATAAGGCAACCACTACAGAAGTATTTAAGTGGGACGGGCAAAAAAGGCTATTCCCAGAATGGGAAAAGAACATGACCCTAGGCGATGCTATGAAAGCTTCCGCTATTCCGGTTTATCAAGATTTAGCTCGTCGTATTGGACTTGAACTCATGTCTAATGAAGTGAAGCGTGTTGGTTATGGCAATGCAGATATCGGTACCCAAGTCGATAATTTTTGGCTAGTGGGTCCTTTAAAAATTACTCCTCAGCAAGAGGCACAATTTGCTTACAAGCTAGCTAATAAAACGCTTCCATTTAGCCAAAAAGTCCAAGATGAAGTGCAATCCATGCTATTCATAGAAGAAAAGAATGGAAATAAAATATACGCAAAAAGTGGTTGGGGATGGGATGTAAACCCACAAGTAGGCTGGTTAACTGAATGGGTTGTTCAGCCTCAAGGGAATATTGTAGCGTTCTCCCTTAACTTAGAAATGAAAAAAGGAATACCTAGCTCTGTTCGAAAAGAGATTACTTATAAAAGCTTAGAACAATTAGGTATTTTATAG UPDATED fmax with 825 UPDATED accession with GQ423625.1 UPDATED fmin with 0 UPDATED strand with + UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_name with Acinetobacter baumannii UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_id with 470 UPDATED NCBI_taxonomy_cvterm_id with 35507 UPDATED accession with ACV49885.1 UPDATED sequence with MNIKALLLITSAIFISACSPYIVSANPNHSASKSDEKAEKIKNLFNEAHTTGVLVIQQGQTQQSYGNDLARASTEYVPASTFKMLNALIGLEHHKATTTEVFKWDGQKRLFPEWEKNMTLGDAMKASAIPVYQDLARRIGLELMSNEVKRVGYGNADIGTQVDNFWLVGPLKITPQQEAQFAYKLANKTLPFSQKVQDEVQSMLFIEEKNGNKIYAKSGWGWDVNPQVGWLTEWVVQPQGNIVAFSLNLEMKKGIPSSVRKEITYKSLEQLGIL " 1943 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis kasA mutant conferring resistance to isoniazid isoniazid; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic resistant kasA; model_param "UPDATED 9551 with G312S UPDATED param_type_id with 43012 UPDATED param_type with No association with resistance TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as no association has no association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is no evidence of an association between the mutation and drug resistance. LR is less than 1. These data are not visible on the CARD website, included in RGI analyses, nor available in CARD download files. " 2374 UPDATE Escherichia coli UhpA with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic-resistant UhpT; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant UhpT " 1005 UPDATE Escherichia coli soxR with mutation conferring antibiotic resistance tetracycline antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; antibiotic efflux; ATP-binding cassette (ABC) antibiotic efflux pump; major facilitator superfamily (MFS) antibiotic efflux pump; resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) antibiotic efflux pump; norfloxacin; cephalosporin; cefalotin; ciprofloxacin; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; rifampin; ampicillin; penam; triclosan; efflux pump complex or subunit conferring antibiotic resistance; tigecycline; glycylcycline; fluoroquinolone antibiotic; chloramphenicol; phenicol antibiotic; tetracycline; rifamycin antibiotic; model_param "UPDATED param_description with A frameshift is a type of genetic mutation caused by a nucleotide insertion or deletion that does not equal 3 bases. This changes the grouping of codons and thus the reading frame during translation, resulting in an incomplete or inactive protein product. Many frameshift mutations generate downstream STOP codons, resulting in premature peptide translation termination. Frameshifts may also confer antibiotic resistance through partial or total protein loss-of-function. Frameshift mutations are included with relevant models when applicable, with the following notation: [wild-type AA][position]fs;[[wild-type AA][position]STOP], where AA is an amino acid. If the premature STOP codon position is unknown or does not exist, [wild-type AA][position]fs is sufficient. Termination can also be denoted as: Ter[position]fs. This parameter is currently not included in detection algorithms. " 2377 UPDATE Escherichia coli PtsI with mutation conferring resistance to fosfomycin fosfomycin; antibiotic-resistant ptsI phosphotransferase; antibiotic target alteration; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic-resistant ptsI phosphotransferase " 1108 UPDATE Enterococcus faecium liaS mutant conferring daptomycin resistance antibiotic efflux; protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux; peptide antibiotic; antibiotic target alteration; daptomycin resistant liaS; daptomycin; ARO_category "UPDATED category_aro_name with antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36001 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 0010000 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Resistance Mechanism UPDATED category_aro_description with Antibiotic resistance via the transport of antibiotics out of the cell. UPDATED category_aro_name with protein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux UPDATED category_aro_cvterm_id with 36590 UPDATED category_aro_accession with 3000451 UPDATED category_aro_class_name with Efflux Regulator UPDATED category_aro_description with Protein(s) and two component regulatory systems that directly or indirectly change rates of antibiotic efflux. " 1574 UPDATE Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhA mutations conferring resistance to isoniazid isoniazid; antibiotic target alteration; isoniazid resistant inhA; ARO_category; model_param "UPDATED category_aro_name with isoniazid resistant inhA UPDATED 9857 with T-8A UPDATED param_type_id with 43013 UPDATED param_type with Indeterminate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as indeterminate means that there is no statistically significant threshold reached and additional data is required. LR is indeterminate. UPDATED 9550 with I194T UPDATED 9855 with T280G UPDATED 9856 with C-15T UPDATED 9549 with T162S UPDATED param_type_id with 42998 UPDATED param_type with High Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as high confidence has a strong association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is sufficient evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 10. UPDATED 9548 with S94A UPDATED param_type_id with 43011 UPDATED param_type with Minimal Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as minimal confidence has a minimal association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. There is inconclusive evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 1 but less or equal to 5. UPDATED 9858 with T-8C UPDATED param_type_id with 43010 UPDATED param_type with Moderate Confidence TB UPDATED param_description with This parameter is part of a confidence model for AMR developed by the Relational Sequencing Tuberculosis Data platform (ReSeqTB, The confidence model is based on the likelihood ratio test (LR+) statistic that is used to evaluate whether mutations are positively or negatively associated with phenotypic resistance. The LR+ is derived from a drug susceptibility test, testing sensitivity and specificity. Under the null hypothesis of no association, the LR value is expected to be 1, but deviations from this can be due to an association with resistance or a low number of available isolate samples. The LR+ measures the strength of association between the presence of a mutation and the drug resistance phenotype. A mutation graded as moderate confidence has a moderate association of the mutation with phenotypic drug resistance. Additional data is desirable for improved evidence that the mutation confers or is strongly associated with drug resistance. LR value is greater than 5 but less or equal to 10. " 3750 ADD tet(57) tetracycline antibiotic; tetracycline-resistant ribosomal protection protein; antibiotic target protection; N/A N/A