Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens

Accession NCBITaxon:831
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Barbosa TM, et al. 1999. Environ Microbiol 1(1): 53-64. Evidence for recent intergeneric transfer of a new tetracycline resistance gene, tet(W), isolated from Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and the occurrence of tet(O) in ruminal bacteria. (PMID 11207718)

Scott KP, et al. 1997. Appl Environ Microbiol 63(9): 3405-3411. High-frequency transfer of a naturally occurring chromosomal tetracycline resistance element in the ruminal anaerobe Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens. (PMID 9292992)

Melville CM, et al. 2004. J Bacteriol 186(11): 3656-3659. The Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens tet(W) gene is carried on the novel conjugative transposon TnB1230, which contains duplicated nitroreductase coding sequences. (PMID 15150255)

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