Rhodococcus hoagii

Accession NCBITaxon:43767
Synonym(s)Rhodococcus equi
DefinitionRhodococcus hoagii
Gram Stainpositive
Classification1 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)1 ontology terms | Show

Andersen SJ, et al. 1997. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 41(1): 218-221. Monooxygenase-like sequence of a Rhodococcus equi gene conferring increased resistance to rifampin by inactivating this antibiotic. (PMID 8980786)

Gudeta DD, et al. 2014. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 58(3): 1768-1770. vanO, a new glycopeptide resistance operon in environmental Rhodococcus equi isolates. (PMID 24342631)

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