Acinetobacter haemolyticus

Accession NCBITaxon:29430
Gram Stainnegative
Classification1 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)1 ontology terms | Show
1 ontology terms | Show

Figueiredo S, et al. 2012. Clin Microbiol Infect 18(9): 907-913. Identification of the naturally occurring genes encoding carbapenem-hydrolysing oxacillinases from Acinetobacter haemolyticus, Acinetobacter johnsonii, and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. (PMID 22128805)

Lambert T, et al. 1993. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 37(10): 2093-2100. Characterization of Acinetobacter haemolyticus aac(6')-Ig gene encoding an aminoglycoside 6'-N-acetyltransferase which modifies amikacin. (PMID 8257129)

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