divalent cation supplemented medium

Accession ARO:3004426
DefinitionMedium supplementation with 20–25 mg Ca2+ and 10–12.5 mg Mg2+ per liter, which is representative of the divalent cation concentration in blood. Divalent cation supplemented medium is correct to use for susceptibility testing of tetracyclines, daptomycin for gram-positive bacteria and aminoglycosides for Pseudomonas aeruginosarequires.
Classification4 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)1 ontology terms | Show

Barry AL, et al. 1992. J. Clin. Microbiol. 30(3):585-9 Revision of standards for adjusting the cation content of Mueller-Hinton broth for testing susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to aminoglycosides. (PMID 1551973)

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