Antibiotic Resistance Platform (ARP)

Accession ARO:3009135
DefinitionThe Antibiotic Resistance Platform (ARP) is a cell-based array of mechanistically distinct individual resistance elements in an identical genetic background. The ARP consists of resistance elements to 18 classes of antibiotics. There are over 100 antibiotic resistance genes currently in the ARP.
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Parent Term(s)1 ontology terms | Show

Cox G, et al. 2017. Cell Chem Biol 24(1):98-109 A Common Platform for Antibiotic Dereplication and Adjuvant Discovery. (PMID 28017602)

Zubyk HL, et al. 2019. J Vis Exp (152): Antibiotic Dereplication Using the Antibiotic Resistance Platform. (PMID 31680676)

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