Lipid III

Accession ARO:3003232
Synonym(s)Undecaprenyl-PP-GlcNAc Undecaprenyl Pyrophosphate N-Acetylglucosamine
DefinitionLipid III is the precursor to the wall teichoic acid. It's inhibition leads to bacterial death as teichoic acid is required to anchor autolysins which control the hydrolysis of peptidoglycan cell wall.
Classification2 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)2 ontology terms | Show
+ cell wall component targeted by antibiotic
+ targeted_by_antibiotic teixobactin [Antibiotic]

Ling LL, et al. 2015. Nature 517(7535): 455-459. A new antibiotic kills pathogens without detectable resistance. (PMID 25561178)

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