antibiotic-resistant UhpT [AMR Gene Family]

Accession ARO:3004248
DefinitionUhpT encodes a transporter that can import fosfomycin-type drugs into bacterial cells. Mutations to UhpT confer resistance.
Drug Classphosphonic acid antibiotic
Resistance Mechanismantibiotic target alteration
Classification6 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)2 ontology terms | Show
+ antibiotic resistant gene variant or mutant
+ confers_resistance_to_drug_class phosphonic acid antibiotic [Drug Class]
3 ontology terms | Show

Xu S, et al. 2017. Front Microbiol 8:914 Mutations of the Transporter Proteins GlpT and UhpT Confer Fosfomycin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. (PMID 28579984)

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