klebsidin [Antibiotic]

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Accession ARO:3007093
DefinitionKlebsidin is a peptide antibiotic derived from Klebsiella pneumoniae that exhibits activity against members of the Enterobacteriaceae family of Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia and Salmonella species. Klebsidin acts by accumulating in the target cell and inhibiting RNA polymerase.
Drug Classpeptide antibiotic
Classification2 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)1 ontology terms | Show
+ peptide antibiotic [Drug Class]

Hills E, et al. 2022. ACS Chem Biol 17(4):998-1010 Comprehensive Mutational Analysis of the Lasso Peptide Klebsidin. (PMID 35315272)

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