enramycin [Antibiotic]

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Accession ARO:3007197
DefinitionEnramycin is a polypeptide antibiotic commonly used as a feed additive for livestock. It is produced by species of the Streptomyces genus and is used to prevent necrotic enteritis in poultry and pigs. Enramycin disrupts cell wall synthesis by inhibiting MurG.
Drug Classpeptide antibiotic
Classification2 ontology terms | Show
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+ peptide antibiotic [Drug Class]

Chen YC, et al. 2022. Poult Sci 101(9):102010 Bacillus licheniformis-fermented products and enramycin differentially modulate microbiota and antibiotic resistome in the cecal digesta of broilers. (PMID 35841645)

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