Aspergillus spp. fcyB conferring resistance to 5-flucytosine via reduced permeability

Accession ARO:3007642
DefinitionFcyB encodes for purine-cytosine permease in fungal cells. Downregulation or absence of fcyB confers resistance to antibiotics by preventing entry into the cell.
AMR Gene Familyfungal nucleobase transporters
Drug Classpyrimidine antifungal drug
Resistance Mechanismreduced permeability to antibiotic
Classification7 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)2 ontology terms | Show
+ confers_resistance_to_antibiotic 5-flucytosine [Antibiotic]
+ fungal nucleobase transporters [AMR Gene Family]
1 ontology terms | Show

Gsaller F, et al. 2018. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 62(6): Mechanistic Basis of pH-Dependent 5-Flucytosine Resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. (PMID 29610197)

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