class D beta-lactamase

Accession ARO:3000075
DefinitionClass D beta-lactamases are one of the subgroups of beta-lactamases that are classified as serine enzymes.
Resistance Mechanismantibiotic inactivation
Classification6 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)2 ontology terms | Show
12 ontology terms | Show
+ OXA beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ LCR beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ NPS beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ class D LRA beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ MSI-OXA family beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ BAT Beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ BPU Beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ BSU beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ CDD beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ RSD2 beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ RAD beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family]
+ RSD1 [AMR Gene Family]
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