chloramphenicol phosphotransferase [AMR Gene Family]

Accession ARO:3000249
DefinitionATP-dependent kinase modifies the C-3 hydroxyl group of chloramphenicol. Source is the chloramphenicol producer Streptomyces venezuelae.
Drug Classphenicol antibiotic
Resistance Mechanismantibiotic inactivation
Classification5 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)3 ontology terms | Show
+ participates_in phosphorylation of antibiotic conferring resistance
+ confers_resistance_to_drug_class phenicol antibiotic [Drug Class]
+ antibiotic inactivation enzyme
1 ontology terms | Show
+ cmlv

Izard T and Ellis J. 2000. EMBO J 19(11): 2690-2700. The crystal structures of chloramphenicol phosphotransferase reveal a novel inactivation mechanism. (PMID 10835366)

Mosher RH, et al. 1995. J Biol Chem 270(45): 27000-27006. Inactivation of chloramphenicol by O-phosphorylation. A novel resistance mechanism in Streptomyces venezuelae ISP5230, a chloramphenicol producer. (PMID 7592948)