Accession | ARO:3000269 |
Definition | Brodimoprim is a structural derivative of trimethoprim and an inhibitor of bacterial dihydrofolate reductase. The 4-methoxy group of trimethoprim is replaced with a bromine atom. |
PubChem | 68760 |
Drug Class | diaminopyrimidine antibiotic |
Classification | 2 ontology terms | Show |
Parent Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show + diaminopyrimidine antibiotic [Drug Class] |
Sub-Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show + antibiotic sensitive dihydrofolate reductase targeted_by_antibiotic |
Publications | Morgan WD, et al. 1999. Biochemistry 38(7): 2127-2134. 1H/15N HSQC NMR studies of ligand carboxylate group interactions with arginine residues in complexes of brodimoprim analogues and Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase. (PMID 10026296) Thomson CJ. 1993. J Chemother 5(6): 458-464. Trimethoprim and brodimoprim resistance of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. (PMID 8195838) Periti P. 1995. J Chemother 7(3): 221-223. Brodimoprim, a new bacterial dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor: a minireview. (PMID 7562018) |
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