protein knockout model

Accession MO:0000020
DefinitionProtein Knockout Models (PKM) reflect resistance by the absence of a gene product, most often deletion of a gene involved in antibiotic import, such as Vibrio cholerae OmpT. Like Protein Homolog Models (PHMs), PKMs include a reference sequence and a bitscore cut-off for detection using BLASTP but instead are designed to only report lack of detection under Perfect or Strict criteria. A Perfect RGI match is 100% identical to the reference protein sequence along its entire length, a Strict RGI match is not identical but the bit-score of the matched sequence is greater than the curated BLASTP bit-score cutoff. This model type is still under development and not currently supported by the Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) software.
Classification1 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)1 ontology terms | Show
1 ontology terms | Show
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