Accession | ARO:3003802 |
Definition | Mutations to the gdpD glycerolphosphodiesterase confer resistance to daptomycin. |
Drug Class | peptide antibiotic |
Resistance Mechanism | antibiotic target alteration |
Classification | 8 ontology terms | Show + process or component of antibiotic biology or chemistry + antibiotic molecule + mechanism of antibiotic resistance + peptide antibiotic [Drug Class] + antibiotic target alteration [Resistance Mechanism] + mutation conferring antibiotic resistance + lipopeptide antibiotic + determinant of antibiotic resistance |
Parent Term(s) | 3 ontology terms | Show + antibiotic resistant gene variant or mutant + confers_resistance_to_antibiotic daptomycin [Antibiotic] + confers_resistance_to_drug_class peptide antibiotic [Drug Class] |
Sub-Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show |
Publications | Miller C, et al. 2013. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 57(11): 5373-5383. Adaptation of Enterococcus faecalis to daptomycin reveals an ordered progression to resistance. (PMID 23959318) |
Curator | Description | Most Recent Edit |