Accession | VIRO:0000101 |
Definition | Dermonecrotic toxin (Dnt) from Bordetella bronchiseptica is an A-B type toxin composed of N-terminal receptor-binding (B) domain and a C-terminal enzymatically active (A) domain. Dnt is a Dermonecrosis-inducing toxin stimulates the assembly of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions by deamidating or polyaminating small GTPase Rho. |
Classification | 12 ontology terms | Show + process or component of pathogenesis biology or chemistry + biological effect of virulence + virulence factor + host cell damaging + toxin [Virulence Factor] + exotoxin + molecular mechanism of bacterial virulence + organism associated with virulence + Actin-affecting toxins [Virulence Mechanism] + ADP-Ribosylation [Virulence Mechanism] + Bordetella-specific virulence + Rho-protein activator toxins [Virulence Factor] |
Parent Term(s) | 3 ontology terms | Show + A-B toxin + participates_in Deamidation [Virulence Mechanism] + Bordetella bronchiseptica factors of virulence |
Publications | Fukui-Miyazaki A, et al. 2011. Microbiol. Immunol. 55(3):154-9 Bordetella dermonecrotic toxin binds to target cells via the N-terminal 30 amino acids. (PMID 21204952) |
Private model - RGI is not currently using this model.
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