transmembrane protein conferring colistin resistance [AMR Gene Family]

Accession ARO:3007684
DefinitionMutations in mgrB transmembrane proteins can confer resistance to the antibiotic colistin.
Drug Classpeptide antibiotic
Resistance Mechanismresistance by absence
Classification5 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)2 ontology terms | Show
+ confers_resistance_to_drug_class peptide antibiotic [Drug Class]
+ gene conferring resistance via absence
1 ontology terms | Show
+ mgrB

Poirel L, et al. 2015. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 70(1):75-80 The mgrB gene as a key target for acquired resistance to colistin in Klebsiella pneumoniae. (PMID 25190723)

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