Accession | ARO:3007496 |
Definition | Echinocandins are a group of antibiotics, particularly antifungals, that target the target glucan synthase, an enzyme involved in the cell wall biosynthesis of fungi. They typically induce adaptive mechanisms that promote resistance such as heat shock protein 90, cell wall integrity pathway, high osmolarity glycerol pathway, and chitin biosynthesis. The three main echinocandins are caspofungin, micafungin and anidulafungin. |
Classification | 1 ontology terms | Show |
Parent Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show |
Sub-Term(s) | 5 ontology terms | Show + caspofungin [Antibiotic] + micafungin [Antibiotic] + anidulafungin [Antibiotic] + echinocandin antibiotic-resistant beta-1,3-D-glucan synthase [AMR Gene Family] confers_resistance_to_drug_class + stress-activated protein kinases [AMR Gene Family] confers_resistance_to_drug_class |
Publications | Nyfeler R, et al. 1974. Helv Chim Acta 57(8):2459-77 [Metabolites of microorganisms. 143. Echinocandin B, a novel polypeptide-antibiotic from Aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus: isolation and structural components]. (PMID 4613708) |
Curator | Description | Most Recent Edit |