Accession | ARO:3000034 |
Definition | Nucleoside antibiotics are made of modified nucleosides and nucleotides with wide-ranging activities and means of antibacterial effects. This drug class includes aminonucleoside antibiotics, which contain an amino group. |
Classification | 1 ontology terms | Show |
Parent Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show |
Sub-Term(s) | 9 ontology terms | Show + tunicamycin [Antibiotic] + streptothricin [Antibiotic] + aminonucleoside antibiotic + cordycepin [Antibiotic] + caprazamycin [Antibiotic] + pseudouridimycin [Antibiotic] + zidovudine [Antibiotic] + tunicamycin resistance protein [AMR Gene Family] confers_resistance_to_drug_class + streptothricin acetyltransferase (SAT) [AMR Gene Family] confers_resistance_to_drug_class |
Publications | Bosch F and Rosich L. 2008. Pharmacology 82(3): 171-179. The contributions of Paul Ehrlich to pharmacology: a tribute on the occasion of the centenary of his Nobel Prize. (PMID 18679046) Isono K. 1988. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 41(12): 1711-1739. Nucleoside antibiotics: structure, biological activity, and biosynthesis. (PMID 3061990) |
Curator | Description | Most Recent Edit |