Accession | ARO:3001069 |
Definition | SHV-10 is an inhibitor-resistant beta-lactamase that has been found in clinical isolates. Sequence data unavailable. |
AMR Gene Family | SHV beta-lactamase |
Drug Class | penam, cephalosporin |
Resistance Mechanism | antibiotic inactivation |
Classification | 15 ontology terms | Show + process or component of antibiotic biology or chemistry + mechanism of antibiotic resistance + determinant of antibiotic resistance + antibiotic inactivation [Resistance Mechanism] + antibiotic inactivation enzyme + hydrolysis of antibiotic conferring resistance + antibiotic molecule + hydrolysis of beta-lactam antibiotic by serine beta-lactamase + beta-lactam antibiotic + beta-lactamase + cephem + class A beta-lactamase + SHV-LEN beta-lactamase + penam [Drug Class] + cephalosporin [Drug Class] |
Parent Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show + SHV beta-lactamase [AMR Gene Family] |
Publications | Prinarakis EE, et al. 1997. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 41(4): 838-840. Emergence of an inhibitor-resistant beta-lactamase (SHV-10) derived from an SHV-5 variant. (PMID 9087500) |