Accession | ARO:3001310 |
Definition | Kirromycin-like antibiotics bind to the domain 1,2 interface of elongation factor Tu. This interaction maintains the EF-Tu*GTP conformation even after GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP. EF-Tu*GDP normally releases aa-tRNA and then exits the ribosome; however, kirromycin*EF-Tu*GDP*aa-tRNA forms a strong complex and remains bound to the ribosome, prohibits translocation of the peptide chain and translation is halted. |
Drug Class | elfamycin antibiotic |
Classification | 2 ontology terms | Show |
Parent Term(s) | 1 ontology terms | Show + elfamycin antibiotic [Drug Class] |
Sub-Term(s) | 22 ontology terms | Show + L-681,217 [Antibiotic] + aurodox [Antibiotic] + azimycin [Antibiotic] + dihydromocimycin [Antibiotic] + efrotomycin [Antibiotic] + factumycin [Antibiotic] + heneicomycin [Antibiotic] + kirrothricin [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin A [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin B [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin C [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin D [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin E [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin F [Antibiotic] + unphenelfamycin [Antibiotic] + kirromycin [Antibiotic] + SB22484 [Antibiotic] + UK-69,753 [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin G [Antibiotic] + phenelfamycin H [Antibiotic] + ganefromycin [Antibiotic] + elongation factor Tu targeted_by_antibiotic |
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