Escherichia coli AcrAB-TolC with AcrR mutation conferring resistance to ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and ceftazidime

Accession ARO:3003807
CARD Short NameEcol_AcrR_MULT
DefinitionAcrR is a repressor of the AcrAB-TolC multidrug efflux complex. AcrR mutations result in high level antibiotic resistance. The mutations associated with this model are specific to E. coli.
AMR Gene Familyresistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) antibiotic efflux pump
Drug Classtetracycline antibiotic, disinfecting agents and antiseptics, phenicol antibiotic, rifamycin antibiotic, penam, glycylcycline, cephalosporin, fluoroquinolone antibiotic
Resistance Mechanismantibiotic efflux, antibiotic target alteration
Efflux Componentefflux pump complex or subunit conferring antibiotic resistance
Efflux Regulatorprotein(s) and two-component regulatory system modulating antibiotic efflux
Resistomes with Sequence VariantsCitrobacter koserig+wgs, Escherichia albertiig+wgs, Escherichia colig+p+wgs, Escherichia fergusoniig+p+wgs, Escherichia marmotaeg+wgs, Salmonella entericawgs, Shigella boydiig+wgs, Shigella dysenteriaeg+wgs, Shigella flexnerig+wgs, Shigella sonneig+wgs
Classification30 ontology terms | Show
Parent Term(s)4 ontology terms | Show
+ confers_resistance_to_antibiotic ciprofloxacin [Antibiotic]
+ confers_resistance_to_antibiotic tetracycline [Antibiotic]
+ confers_resistance_to_antibiotic ceftazidime [Antibiotic]
+ acrR

Webber MA, et al. 2005. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 49(10):4390-2 Contribution of mutation at amino acid 45 of AcrR to acrB expression and ciprofloxacin resistance in clinical and veterinary Escherichia coli isolates. (PMID 16189130)


Prevalence of Escherichia coli AcrAB-TolC with AcrR mutation conferring resistance to ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and ceftazidime among the sequenced genomes, plasmids, and whole-genome shotgun assemblies available at NCBI or IslandViewer for 413 important pathogens (see methodological details and complete list of analyzed pathogens). Values reflect percentage of genomes, plasmids, genome islands, or whole-genome shotgun assemblies that have at least one hit to the AMR detection model. Default view includes percentages calculated based on Perfect plus Strict RGI hits. Select the checkbox to view percentages based on only Perfect matches to AMR reference sequences curated in CARD (note: this excludes resistance via mutation as references in protein variant models are often wild-type, sensitive sequences).

Prevalence: protein overexpression model (view sequences)

SpeciesNCBI ChromosomeNCBI PlasmidNCBI WGSNCBI GI
Citrobacter koseri100%0%49.55%0%
Escherichia albertii100%0%62.58%0%
Escherichia coli65.2%0.01%60.32%0%
Escherichia fergusonii100%0.36%50%0%
Escherichia marmotae100%0%68.75%0%
Salmonella enterica0%0%0.01%0%
Shigella boydii100%0%96.67%0%
Shigella dysenteriae100%0%100%0%
Shigella flexneri99%0%81.83%0%
Shigella sonnei100%0%93.94%0%
Show Perfect Only

Prevalence: efflux pump system meta-model

SpeciesNCBI ChromosomeNCBI PlasmidNCBI WGSNCBI GI
No prevalence data

Detection Models

Model Type: protein overexpression model

Model Definition: Protein Overexpression Models (POM) are similar to Protein Variant Models (PVM) in that they include a protein reference sequence, a curated BLASTP bitscore cut-off, and mapped resistance variants. Whereas PVMs are designed to detect AMR acquired via mutation of house-keeping genes or antibiotic targets, reporting only those with curated mutations conferring AMR, POMs are restricted to regulatory proteins and report both wild-type sequences and/or sequences with mutations leading to overexpression of efflux complexes. The former lead to efflux of antibiotics at basal levels, while the latter can confer clinical resistance. POMs include a protein reference sequence (often from wild-type alleles), a curated bit-score cut-off, and mapped resistance variants. Mapped resistance variants may include any or all of single point mutations, insertions, or deletions curated from the scientific literature. A Perfect RGI match is 100% identical to the wild-type reference protein sequence along its entire length, a Strict RGI match has a BLASTP bit-score above the curated BLASTP cutoff value may or may not contain at least one curated mutation from amongst the mapped resistance variants, while a Loose RGI match has a bit-score less than the curated BLASTP bit-score cut-off may or may not contain at least one curated mutation from amongst the mapped resistance variants.

Bit-score Cut-off (blastP): 375


  • discovered in clinical, agricultural, or environmental isolates

  • discovered via laboratory selection experiments

  • ReSeqTB

Published Variants:

>gb|AAC73566.1|+|Escherichia coli acrR with mutation conferring multidrug antibiotic resistance [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]

>gb|U00096.3|+|485761-486408|Escherichia coli acrR with mutation conferring multidrug antibiotic resistance [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]

Model Name: E. coli AcrAB-TolC with AcrR mutation conferring resistance to cirpofloxacin

Model Description: AcrR is the repressor of the AcrAB operon, where a mutation in AcrR allows AcrAB-TolC to confer resistance to ciprofloxacin.

TolCacrBEscherichia coli acrR with mutation conferring multidrug antibiotic resistanceEscherichia coli acrA