Use or reproduction of these materials, in whole or in part, by any commercial organization whether or not for non-commercial (including research) or commercial purposes is prohibited, except with written permission of McMaster University. See the Use or Download Copyright & Disclaimer.
Exception: Ontologies at the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database are freely available under the Creative Commons CC-BY license version 4.0
The Antibiotic Resistance Ontology (ARO), draft Mobilome Ontology (MOBIO), draft Virulence Ontology (VIRO), and Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) are also available at GitHub. The ARO is registered at the OBO Foundry.
Ontology | December 2024 release - Over 1200 new beta-lactamase genes, plus classification of beta-lactam molecules now reflects functional groups: monobactams, penicillins, early (1st-2nd generation) cephalosporins, extended-spectrum (3rd-generation) cephalosporins, carbapenems, 4th generation cephalosporin cefepime, and 5th generation cephalosporin ceftaroline. Addition of 29 new M. tuberculosis drug targets. | 4.0.0 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2024-12-18 15:11:47.958265 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | August 2024 release - New VIM, RATA, GES, CARD, & SIM beta-lactamase and aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase genes. Updates to SHV beta-lactamase gene:drug relationships. Improved documentation of historical Lahey beta-lactamase gene names. | 3.3.0 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2024-08-26 18:47:46.768284 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | February 2024 release - Addition of terms describing gyrA, gyrB, and folp mutations for additional Salmonella species, 23S rRNA mutations for Treponema pallidum. Addition of OXA beta-lactamase sub-families, with subsequent re-organization of the OXA beta-lactamase ontological sub-branch. | 3.2.9 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2024-02-13 11:21:43.869068 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | October 2023 release - addition of TEM and OXA beta-lactamase sequences, improvements in tet gene curation, additional aminoglycoside resistance genes, improvements to antibiotic and drug class curation | 3.2.8 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2023-10-02 14:56:53.46563 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | June 2023 release - continued improvements for aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, additional TEM, EBR, IND, KPC, LAQ, NDM, WUS, and IMP beta-lactamases | 3.2.7 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2023-05-25 20:50:24.824721 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | January 2023 release - additional MCR phosphoethanolamine transferases, quinolone resistance proteins, and fosfomycin thiol transferases. Ontological and classification improvements for resistance-modifying agents, OXA beta-lactamases, and aminoglycoside modifying enzymes | 3.2.6 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2023-01-27 15:59:23.936224 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | September 2022 release - additional NDM beta-lactamases, curation of rifampin monooxygenases, addition of HelR helicase-like protein | 3.2.5 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2022-09-12 13:35:12.25149 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | July 2022 release - glycopeptide resistance gene cluster vanP; improved curation of M. abscessus resistance genes; continuing ontological and classification improvements for adjuvants; update of the Model Ontology | 3.2.4 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2022-07-27 18:19:55.706246 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | June 2022 release - addition of the nitroimidazole reductase (nim) gene family; ontological and classification improvements for adjuvants | 3.2.3 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2022-06-14 11:20:48.88777 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | April 2022 patch 2 - ontological corrections (Drug Class) for LAP beta-lactamases | 3.2.2 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2022-04-28 13:59:54.099716 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | April 2022 patch - ontological corrections (Drug Class) for sal-type ABC-F proteins. | 3.2.1 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2022-04-25 13:50:29.118012 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | April 2022 release - new H. pylori resistance genes, added disinfecting agents and antiseptics and their resistance genes, new Erm proteins, added sal-type ABC-F proteins. Updated term descriptions, including grammar checks and review of synonyms. Over 130 additional citations. Extensive pathogen taxonomy updates. Introduction of CARD Short Names | 3.2.0 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2022-04-04 14:36:19.718 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | October 2021 release - 1599 new beta-lactamases, including 72 new beta-lactamase families; separation of ADC beta-lactamases with or without carbapenemase activity; addition of diazabicyclooctane beta-lactamase inhibitors | 3.1.4 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2021-10-05 10:22:43.154337 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | July 2021 release - improved annotation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae macrolide and beta-lactam resistance mutations | 3.1.3 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2021-07-05 16:09:00.670244 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | April 2021 release - addition of new ADC, CMY, KPC, OXA, PDC, TEM, SHV beta-lactamases and trimethoprim resistant dihydrofolate reductases | 3.1.2 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2021-04-23 15:04:58.743052 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | January 2021 release - updates for aminoglycoside acetyltransferases & phosphotransferases; addition of new OXA, PDC, CMY beta-lactamases | 3.1.1 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2021-01-29 08:58:13.860257 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | August 2020 release - 75 new AMR genes, primarily beta-lactamases and aminoglycoside resistance genes. Minor corrections. | 3.1.0 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2020-08-06 10:14:16.025492 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | May 2020 release - ontological improvements for fosfomycin, mupirocin, daptomycin, and ethambutol resistance; AMR in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus; new tetracycline resistance genes and Cfr 23S ribosomal RNA methyltransferases. | 3.0.9 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2020-05-14 18:56:25.454824 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | March 2020 release - additional New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamases (NDM), Neisseria gonorrhoea resistance genes, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA mutations | 3.0.8 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2020-03-02 15:30:29.268896 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | October 2019 patch - additional LEN beta-lactamases, plus OXS-724 and a few nomenclature updates for beta-lactamases | 3.0.7 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-10-23 11:51:42.108137 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | October 2019 release - minor ontological corrections to the ARO. | 3.0.6 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-10-17 13:09:17.859538 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | September 2019 release - additional HERA and LEN beta-lactamases; confers_resistance_to changed to confers_resistance_to_drug_class, confers_resistance_to_drug changed to confers_resistance_to_antibiotic, targeted_by_drug changed to targeted_by_antibiotic | 3.0.5 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-09-18 09:13:48.06325 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | August 2019 release - 203 additional beta-lactamases, minor ontological updates. | 3.0.4 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-08-21 16:15:32.141992 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | July 2019 release - addition of 480 new AMR terms; updates for AACs, tet genes, beta-lactamases; MCR ontological changes; new terms for A. baumannii, C. difficile, M. genitalium, N. gonorrhoeae AMR genes | 3.0.3 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-07-15 11:36:38.147979 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | April 2019 release - Updated curation for drug resistant dihydrofolate reductases (dfr), aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferases, and C. difficile AMR (murG, rpoB, gyrB). Addition of NDM-11 and PNGM-1 beta-lactamases. | 3.0.2 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-04-25 15:23:24.901156 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | February 2019 release - expanded MCR, OXA & IMP beta-lactamase, and macrolide phosphotransferase (MPH) curation. Updated nomenclature for MPHs and drug resistant dihydrofolate reductases (dfr). Addition of 518 draft virulence ontology (VIRO) terms. | 3.0.1 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2019-02-11 16:45:28.680765 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | October 2018 release - updated curation of the ATP-binding cassette protein superfamily (ribosomal protection). Public release of preliminary draft Mobilome (MOBIO) and Virulence (VIRO) ontologies. | 3.0.0 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2018-10-11 14:00:44.515203 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | August 2018 release - addition of colistin resistance gene ICR-Mc & phenicol-oxazolidinone-tetracycline resistance gene poxtA. Extensive categorical improvements. | 2.0.3 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2018-08-22 13:50:23.436335 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | June 2018 release - Improved classification of chloramphenicol acetyltransferases. | 2.0.2 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2018-06-28 11:39:10.317136 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | April 2018 release - Addition of HERA, TRU, & ACI beta-lactamases, sul4, new quinolone efflux pumps. Entirely new Antibiotic Resistance Ontology branch describing AMR phenotypic testing methods. | 2.0.1 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2018-04-12 15:06:19.047356 | DOWNLOAD |
Ontology | February 2018 release - 37 new ADC beta-lactamases, 21 PDC beta-lactamases, new MCR proteins, resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetases, and more. Ontolological improvements for AMR Gene Family classification. | 2.0.0 | OBO, OWL, TSV, JSON | 2018-01-29 09:25:26.824373 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | December 2024 release - Over 1200 new beta-lactamase genes, plus classification of beta-lactam molecules now reflects functional groups. Over 1400 new Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutations via curation & cross-referencing of the ReSeqTB, CRyPTIC, and WHO 2023 mutation catalogs. Includes addition of 29 new M. tuberculosis drug targets. Mutation data for all pathogens updated to reflect the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature, with additional rules from GARC (a Grammar for Antimicrobial Resistance Catalogues). | 4.0.0 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2024-12-18 15:04:19.874195 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | August 2024 release - Housekeeping update in preparation for major Mycobacterium tuberculosis and beta-lactamase updates. New VIM, RATA, GES, CARD, & SIM beta-lactamase and aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase genes. Updates to SHV beta-lactamase gene:drug relationships. Improved documentation of historical Lahey beta-lactamase gene names. Harmonization of all Mycobacterium tuberculosis reference sequences to the M. tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome. Review of 16S mutations for numerous pathogens. | 3.3.0 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2024-08-26 19:21:26.482292 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | February 2024 release - Addition of gyrA, gyrB, and folp mutations for additional Salmonella species, 23S rRNA mutations for Treponema pallidum, gyrA mutations for Helicobacter pylori. Addition of OXA beta-lactamase sub-families, with subsequent re-organization of the OXA beta-lactamase classification. Reference sequence corrections for two ANT and one MCR gene. | 3.2.9 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2024-02-13 11:22:46.537034 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | October 2023 release - improved curation of 16S rRNA mutations, addition of TEM and OXA beta-lactamase sequences, improvements in tet gene curation, additional aminoglycoside resistance genes, improvements to antibiotic and drug class curation | 3.2.8 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2023-10-02 14:58:29.376643 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | June 2023 release - continued improvements for aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, curation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutations, additional TEM, EBR, IND, KPC, LAQ, NDM, WUS, and IMP beta-lactamases | 3.2.7 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2023-05-25 20:51:48.649916 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | January 2023 release - additional MCR phosphoethanolamine transferases, quinolone resistance proteins, and fosfomycin thiol transferases. Ontological and classification improvements for resistance-modifying agents, OXA beta-lactamases, and aminoglycoside modifying enzymes | 3.2.6 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2023-01-27 16:01:19.736469 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | September 2022 release - additional NDM beta-lactamases, curation of rifampin monooxygenases, addition of HelR helicase-like protein | 3.2.5 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2022-09-12 13:36:30.015005 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | July 2022 release - glycopeptide resistance gene cluster vanP; improved curation of M. abscessus resistance genes, macrolide esterases, AACs, and carbapenemases; continuing ontological and classification improvements for adjuvants | 3.2.4 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2022-07-27 15:03:01.626885 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | June 2022 release - addition of the nitroimidazole reductase (nim) gene family, improved curation of AmpC and BcI/II/III beta-lactamases, update to tetracycline and fosfomycin resistance genes (including improvements to bitscore cut-offs), ontological and classification improvements for adjuvants | 3.2.3 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2022-06-14 11:23:21.214704 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2022 patch 2 - ontological corrections (Drug Class) for LAP beta-lactamases | 3.2.2 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2022-04-28 14:02:28.659054 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2022 patch - ontological corrections (Drug Class) for sal-type ABC-F proteins, final corrections/review of partial genes, codons, and translations. | 3.2.1 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2022-04-25 12:54:25.318699 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2022 release - new H. pylori resistance genes, added disinfecting agents and antiseptics and their resistance genes, new Erm proteins, added sal-type ABC-F proteins. Updated term descriptions, including grammar checks and review of synonyms. Over 130 additional citations. Extensive pathogen taxonomy updates. Harmonization of ontology term and model names. Review & correction of codons, translations, reference sequence updates at NCBI. Correction of inverted reference sequences. Review of partial genes. Introduction of CARD Short Names | 3.2.0 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2022-04-04 14:43:11.780378 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | October 2021 release - 1599 new beta-lactamases, including 72 new beta-lactamase families; separation of ADC beta-lactamases with or without carbapenemase activity; addition of diazabicyclooctane beta-lactamase inhibitors; improvements to trimethoprim-resistant dihydrofolate reductase (Dfr) detection models | 3.1.4 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2021-10-05 10:24:15.645117 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | July 2021 release - improved annotation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae macrolide and beta-lactam resistance mutations | 3.1.3 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2021-07-05 16:10:04.04555 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2021 release - addition of new ADC, CMY, KPC, OXA, PDC, TEM, SHV beta-lactamases and trimethoprim resistant dihydrofolate reductases | 3.1.2 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2021-04-23 15:06:32.299374 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | January 2021 release - updates for aminoglycoside acetyltransferases & phosphotransferases; addition of new OXA, PDC, CMY beta-lactamases | 3.1.1 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2021-01-29 08:59:58.941445 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | August 2020 release - 75 new AMR genes, primarily beta-lactamases and aminoglycoside resistance genes. Minor classification improvements, typo fixes. Addition of 343 mutations conferring resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, provided by ReSeqTB. | 3.1.0 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2020-08-06 10:13:04.766606 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | May 2020 release - improved curation for fluoroquinolone, fosfomycin, mupirocin, daptomycin, and ethambutol resistance; AMR in Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Staphylococcus aureus. New terms for AMR in Mycobacterium tuberculosis in preparation for upcoming release. | 3.0.9 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2020-05-14 18:51:29.015497 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | March 2020 release - additional New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamases (NDM), Neisseria gonorrhoea resistance genes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA mutations, drug class & AMR gene family classification updates, 21 updated reference sequences or mutations | 3.0.8 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2020-03-02 15:31:41.93586 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | October 2019 patch - additional LEN beta-lactamases, plus OXS-724; improved curation of partial sequences, fixed headers for AAC(6')-29b, beta-lactamase nomenclatural updates from NCBI, removal of ampS | 3.0.7 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-10-23 11:48:32.529638 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | October 2019 release - Drug Class corrections for efflux complexes, additional Neisseria gonorrhoea AMR genes, improved RGI cut-offs for some beta-lactamases, and corrections to start/stop co-ordinates of some nucleotide reference sequences. | 3.0.6 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-10-17 13:04:15.842751 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | September 2019 release - additional HERA and LEN beta-lactamases, ARO category updates, sequence duplicates removed | 3.0.5 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-09-18 09:15:03.192089 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | August 2019 release - 203 additional beta-lactamases. Drug Class categorization corrected for gyrA, rRNA, dfr, Erm proteins or mutations. Removed duplicate gene sequences & erroneous whole plasmid sequences. Updated curation of lfrA, lmrC/lmrD, tetA(48/58), tetB(48/58), mtrR. | 3.0.4 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-08-21 16:14:04.376515 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | July 2019 release - addition of 480 new AMR references sequences; 670 classification/curation updates; major curation updates for AACs, MCRs, tet genes, beta-lactamases; targeted curation of A. baumannii, C. difficile, M. genitalium, N. gonorrhoeae AMR genes; initial harmonization with Resfinder, NCBI, Roberts nomenclatures | 3.0.3 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-07-15 11:29:46.668148 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2019 release - Updated curation for drug resistant dihydrofolate reductases (dfr), aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferases, and C. difficile AMR (murG, rpoB, gyrB). Addition of NDM-11 and PNGM-1 beta-lactamases. | 3.0.2 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-04-25 15:22:05.03393 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | February 2019 release - expanded MCR, OXA & IMP beta-lactamase, and macrolide phosphotransferase (MPH) sequence curation. Updated nomenclature for MPHs and drug resistant dihydrofolate reductases (dfr). Updated classification of ADC beta-lactamases. | 3.0.1 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2019-02-11 16:43:54.877311 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | October 2018 release - updated curation of the ATP-binding cassette protein superfamily (ribosomal protection), plus flagging of partial AMR gene sequences throughout CARD and download files (in progress). | 3.0.0 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2018-10-11 14:05:28.718122 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | August 2018 release - colistin resistance gene ICR-Mc, phenicol-oxazolidinone-tetracycline resistance gene poxtA, categorical improvements, correction of 5'-3' sequence orientation errors. | 2.0.3 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2018-08-22 13:52:14.884883 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | June 2018 release - Improved curation of chloramphenicol acetyltransferases, reference sequence updates throughout CARD. | 2.0.2 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2018-06-28 11:41:00.414304 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2018 release - A variety of reference sequences updates, addition of HERA, TRU, & ACI beta-lactamases, sul4, new quinolone efflux pumps. | 2.0.1 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2018-04-12 15:10:27.172153 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | February 2018 release - 37 new ADC beta-lactamases, 21 PDC beta-lactamases, new MCR proteins, 23 rRNA mutations, resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetases, hundreds of new resistance mutations, and more. Entirely revised ARO classification of resistance determinants by AMR Gene Family, Drug Class, and Resistance Mechanism. | 2.0.0 | JSON, TAB , FASTA | 2018-02-01 11:57:13.64608 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | October 2017 release - minor revisions, addition of MCR-1.2, beta-lactamases, APHs | 1.2.1 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2017-10-10 15:51:53.778226 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | September 2017 release - extensive curation of rRNA mutations conferring antimicrobial resistance | 1.2.0 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2017-09-07 11:14:51.693779 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | August 2017 release - detection model significance cut-offs based on bitscores (expectation values depreciated), extensive curation of porins, efflux proteins, beta-lactamases, rRNA mutations, MCR variants. Ontological and classification improvements. | 1.1.9 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA, OWL, XML | 2017-08-03 11:58:27.046356 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | May 2017 release - Addition of bitscores to detection models, curation of chloramphenicol exporter proteins, ontology changes, JSON file format changes | 1.1.8 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2017-05-04 10:35:26.647001 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2017 patch - corrected mutation download file | 1.1.7 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2017-04-12 11:31:30.894574 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | April 2017 release - continued curation of efflux proteins, ribosomal RNA mutations, added bitscore cutoffs for models and revised determinant branch | 1.1.6 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2017-04-05 15:22:43.542391 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | March 2017 release - continued curation of efflux proteins and ribosomal RNA mutations, plus extensive Antibiotic Resistance Ontology revisions | 1.1.5 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA, OWL, XML | 2017-03-06 11:12:32.574235 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | February 2017 release - curation of trimethoprim resistant dihydrofolate reductases, chloramphenicol acetyltransferases, glycopeptide resistance clusters, and beta-lactamases. New mutation data added for many resistance genes. Notable revisions to the Antibiotic Resistance Ontology | 1.1.4 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA, OWL, XML | 2017-02-06 10:37:39.495444 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | December 2016 release - Added 16S rRNA mutations, more AMR efflux subunits curation | 1.1.3 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-12-05 15:17:52.170359 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | November 2016 release - extensive curation of AMR efflux subunits, fluoroquinolone resistance mutations | 1.1.2 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-11-07 22:07:02.913263 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | September and October 2016 release - Added reference sequences and mutation data for fluoroquinolone resistance genes, improved detection models for aminoglycoside resistance genes, improved curation of a variety of beta-lactamases. | 1.1.1 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-10-05 09:26:03.965223 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | August 2016 release - Improved curation of polymyxin resistance mechanisms, additional mutation data for fosfomycin resistance, a few new beta-lactamases. | 1.1.0 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-08-04 13:39:13.970861 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | July 2016 release - Updated GI numbers with accession numbers, added more TB mutations and added ADC beta-lactamase class | 1.0.9 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-07-13 11:23:06.398322 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Removes models with missing parameters | 1.0.8 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-06-16 13:11:22.136803 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Continued review and updating of SNP data throughout all drug resistance mechanisms, with specific focus on fluoroquinolone and aminocoumarin resistant DNA topoisomerases. Improved curation of daptomycin and defensin resistant mprF, mupirocin resistance genes, fusidic acid resistance genes, and ethambutol resistance genes. Detection model improvements and overal curation upgrades for glycopeptide resistance clusters. Continued improvements in detection model cut-offs. | 1.0.7 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-06-06 17:10:15.081235 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Extensive curation of SNP data, improved curation of vancomycin resistance clusters, update of fusidic acid resistance reference sequences, extensive improvement of detection model cut-offs. | 1.0.6 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-05-03 14:47:26.109227 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Ontological improvements for RGI functional categories. | 1.0.5 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-04-06 11:55:19.278521 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Improved model cut-offs for beta-lactamases. | 1.0.4 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-03-31 14:14:00.32158 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Improved model cut-offs for beta-lactamases and efflux proteins. | 1.0.3 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-03-24 09:01:11.519258 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Additional beta-lactamases and membrane AMR proteins. | 1.0.2 | JSON, TAB ,OBO, FASTA | 2016-03-23 13:53:47.74496 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Numerous annotation improvements and additions, most notably MCR-1. | 1.0.1 | JSON, CSV, OBO, FASTA | 2015-12-14 11:05:47.411141 | DOWNLOAD |
Data | Migration of all data from the original CARD website into the new ARO- and model-centric "Broad Street" curation paradigm. | 1.0.0 | JSON, CSV, OBO, FASTA | 2015-09-29 10:58:58.525377 | DOWNLOAD |
3.3.0 | 4.0.0 | 2024-12-18 15:14:07.765981 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.9 | 3.3.0 | 2024-08-27 18:52:20.317971 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.8 | 3.2.9 | 2024-02-13 11:23:15.175849 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.7 | 3.2.8 | 2023-10-02 14:59:07.105969 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.6 | 3.2.7 | 2023-05-25 20:52:16.641652 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.5 | 3.2.6 | 2023-01-27 16:01:57.132557 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.4 | 3.2.5 | 2022-09-12 13:37:17.969933 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.3 | 3.2.4 | 2022-07-27 15:04:53.310062 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.2 | 3.2.3 | 2022-06-14 11:25:17.820082 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.1 | 3.2.2 | 2022-04-28 14:03:21.331372 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.2.0 | 3.2.1 | 2022-04-25 12:56:08.968494 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.1.4 | 3.2.0 | 2022-04-04 14:43:59.850647 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.1.3 | 3.1.4 | 2021-10-05 10:26:49.757985 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.1.2 | 3.1.3 | 2021-07-05 16:10:40.495061 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.1.1 | 3.1.2 | 2021-04-23 15:07:34.867023 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.1.0 | 3.1.1 | 2021-01-29 09:00:26.777645 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.9 | 3.1.0 | 2020-08-06 10:14:44.049084 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.8 | 3.0.9 | 2020-05-14 18:56:56.960757 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.7 | 3.0.8 | 2020-03-02 15:32:00.979226 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.6 | 3.0.7 | 2019-10-23 11:52:15.302619 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.5 | 3.0.6 | 2019-10-17 13:05:12.440142 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.4 | 3.0.5 | 2019-09-18 09:15:30.952167 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.3 | 3.0.4 | 2019-08-21 16:16:09.154066 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.2 | 3.0.3 | 2019-07-15 11:30:10.829383 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.1 | 3.0.2 | 2019-04-25 15:23:48.987477 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
3.0.0 | 3.0.1 | 2019-02-11 16:45:58.150023 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.1 | 3.0.0 | 2018-10-31 16:15:27.233859 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
2.0.3 | 3.0.0 | 2018-10-11 14:06:17.25016 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
2.0.2 | 2.0.3 | 2018-08-22 13:53:08.577451 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
2.0.1 | 2.0.2 | 2018-06-28 13:20:16.445273 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
2.0.0 | 2.0.1 | 2018-04-12 15:11:14.787874 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.2.1 | 2.0.0 | 2018-01-03 12:50:46.444515 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.2.0 | 1.2.1 | 2017-10-10 15:52:30.317199 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.9 | 1.2.0 | 2017-09-07 11:16:54.722682 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.8 | 1.1.9 | 2017-08-17 14:33:42.412334 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.7 | 1.1.8 | 2017-08-17 14:33:28.378386 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.6 | 1.1.7 | 2017-08-17 14:33:16.926088 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.5 | 1.1.6 | 2017-08-17 14:33:05.959052 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.4 | 1.1.5 | 2017-08-17 14:32:54.617083 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.3 | 1.1.4 | 2017-08-17 14:32:43.034068 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.2 | 1.1.3 | 2017-08-17 14:32:32.832956 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.1 | 1.1.2 | 2017-08-17 14:32:21.337571 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.1.0 | 1.1.1 | 2017-08-17 14:31:34.129394 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.9 | 1.1.0 | 2017-08-17 14:31:24.523124 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.8 | 1.0.9 | 2017-08-17 14:31:14.274363 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.7 | 1.0.8 | 2017-08-17 14:31:03.133199 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.6 | 1.0.7 | 2017-08-17 14:30:52.035576 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.5 | 1.0.6 | 2017-08-17 14:30:41.272991 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.4 | 1.0.5 | 2017-08-17 14:30:30.126761 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.3 | 1.0.4 | 2017-08-17 14:30:19.205167 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.2 | 1.0.3 | 2017-08-17 14:29:23.865885 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.1 | 1.0.2 | 2017-08-17 14:29:09.8992 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
1.0.0 | 1.0.1 | 2017-08-17 14:28:45.92905 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | November 2023 patch - No change to sequence data included in June 2023 release, but with corrected prevalence statistics. 413 pathogens, 24291 chromosomes, 2662 genomic islands, 48212 plasmids, 172216 WGS assemblies, 276270 alleles based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on May 2, 2023 and Islandviewer 4, analyzed using RGI 6.0.2 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.2.7. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. | 4.0.2 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2023-11-21 15:05:37.406594 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | June 2023 release - expansion to 381 pathogens, 24291 chromosomes, 2662 genomic islands, 48212 plasmids, 172216 WGS assemblies, 276270 alleles based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on May 2, 2023 and Islandviewer 4, analyzed using RGI 6.0.2 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.2.7. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. | 4.0.1 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2023-06-22 10:12:29.63497 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | July 2022 release - expansion to 377 pathogens, 21079 chromosomes, 2662 genomic islands, 41828 plasmids, 155606 WGS assemblies, 322710 alleles based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on June 23, 2022 and Islandviewer 4, analyzed using RGI 5.2.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.2.3. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. | 4.0.0 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2022-07-28 10:00:45.822106 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | April 2022 release - 263 pathogens, 16719 chromosomes, 2675 genomic islands, 33860 plasmids, 136704 WGS assemblies, 285146 alleles based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on January 7, 2022 and Islandviewer 4, analyzed using RGI 5.2.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.1.4. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. Introduction of CARD Short Names | 3.1.0 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2022-04-05 10:04:04.584478 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | July 2021 release - 263 pathogens, 14795 chromosomes, 2675 genomic islands, 30591 plasmids, 105556 WGS assemblies, 231715 alleles based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on June 1, 2021 and Islandviewer 4, analyzed using RGI 5.2.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.1.2. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction | 3.0.9 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2021-07-14 10:49:35.708491 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | January 2021 release - Addition of genomic islands from Islandviewer 4. 221 pathogens, 10272 chromosomes, 1872 genomic islands, 22692 plasmids, 95059 WGS assemblies, 213809 alleles based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on August 13, 2020 and Islandviewer 4, analyzed using RGI 5.1.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.1.0. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. | 3.0.8 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2021-01-20 15:51:28.283547 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | May 2020 release - 88 pathogens, 133103 resistomes, and 222011 AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on May 7, 2020, analyzed using RGI 5.1.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.0.8. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. | 3.0.7 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2020-05-19 09:45:30.755303 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | November 2019 release - 85 pathogens, 116914 resistomes, and 182532 AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on July 31, 2019, analyzed using RGI 5.0.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.0.7. Includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. | 3.0.6 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2019-11-27 13:38:25.817434 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | August 2019 release - 82 pathogens, 67366 resistomes, and 92896 AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on July 31, 2019, analyzed using RGI 5.0.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.0.3. This is a preliminary analysis supporting release of RGI 5.1.0, as it includes pre-compiled k-mer classifier data for pathogen-of-origin prediction. More genomes, plasmids, WGS will be added shortly. All files are now gzipped. | 3.0.5 | TAB, FASTA, JSON, GZ | 2019-08-22 09:16:28.118025 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | March 2019 patch - empty index files repaired, missing S. pneumoniae data restored. 82 pathogens, 89,000+ resistomes, and 175,000+ AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on 28-Feb-2019, analyzed using RGI 4.2.2 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.0.1. | 3.0.4 | TAB, FASTA | 2019-03-20 08:43:42.962601 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | March 2019 release - expansion to 82 pathogens (more Brucella species), 81,000+ resistomes, and 173,000+ AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on 28-Feb-2019, analyzed using RGI 4.2.2 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 3.0.1. | 3.0.3 | TAB, FASTA | 2019-03-12 15:27:21.180362 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | September 2018 incremental release - Expansion to 79 pathogens, 75,000+ resistomes, and 145,000+ AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on May & September, 2018, analyzed using RGI 4.2.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 2.0.3. Added: Brucella suis, Moraxella catarrhalis, Yersinia pestis. | 3.0.2 | TAB, FASTA | 2018-09-14 16:21:56.754543 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | June 2018 release - Expansion to 76 pathogens, 70,000+ resistomes, and 130,000+ AMR allele sequences based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on May 28, 2018, analyzed using RGI 4.1.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 2.0.2. | 3.0.1 | TAB, FASTA | 2018-06-28 11:55:25.809338 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | April 2018 release - Expansion to 67 important pathogens, with a focus on ESKAPEs, WHO Priority Pathogens, and agents of sepsis based on analysis using RGI 4.0.3 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 2.0.1. | 3.0.0 | TAB, FASTA | 2018-04-16 09:56:52.056473 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence, Genomes, & Variants data | CARD Prevalence 2.0.0 is based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on August 28, 2017, analyzed using RGI 4.0.0 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 2.0.0. Now includes results for protein overexpression models and rRNA mutations. All results organized by revised ARO classification: AMR Gene Family, Drug Class, and Resistance Mechanism. Download files now include 35000+ genome annotations and all predicted sequence variants. | 2.0.0 | TAB, FASTA | 2018-01-29 14:41:13.878291 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence | CARD Prevalence 1.0.2 is based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on August 28, 2017, analyzed using RGI 3.2.1 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 1.2.1. | 1.0.2 | TAB | 2017-10-12 15:05:34.356057 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence | CARD Prevalence 1.0.1 is based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on August 28, 2017, analyzed using RGI 3.2.1 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 1.2.0. | 1.0.1 | TAB | 2017-09-07 11:16:31.524574 | DOWNLOAD |
Prevalence | CARD Prevalence 1.0.0 is based on sequence data acquired from NCBI on June 13, 2017, analyzed using RGI 3.2.1 (DIAMOND homolog detection) and CARD 1.1.9. | 1.0.0 | TAB | 2017-08-01 13:32:23.711679 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 6.0.3 - Now uses BLAST 2.14.0, with config file, and adds HSP subject coordinates and antibiotics to output. Using GitHub Actions for workflow testing. | 6.0.3 | TAR | 2023-10-02 15:01:30.508853 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 6.0.2 - Adds support for Pyrodigal and adds new CARD 2023 citation | 6.0.2 | TAR | 2023-01-30 09:01:10.281662 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 6.0.1 - Fixed kmer query failed to parse BAM file issue, fixed infinite loop if the FASTA file is empty, and updated cleaned files and auto load print statements | 6.0.1 | TAR | 2023-01-18 11:09:28.007131 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 6.0.0 - Major release, with parameter and reference data loading changes that may impact scripts. Please see updated README. Added an option (--keep) to keep Prodigal CDS when used with --clean. Removed option --exclude_nudge and replaced with --include_nudge for RGI main so nudged results no longer included in default RGI main output. Added options to use all CARD detection models within RGI bwt, by default RGI bwt now uses protein homolog models only. Added dask and replaced some os.system calls to improve performance. Consensus sequences are reported at depth of at least 5 when using RGI bwt with KMA. Updated RGI load and RGI auto_load commands. | 6.0.0 | TAR | 2022-09-13 12:12:12.850447 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 5.2.1 - Updated README files, updated citation, support for biopython 1.78 and lxml 4.6.5, configurable hardcoded paths. | 5.2.1 | TAR | 2022-04-01 10:34:24.009087 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 5.2.0 - Added workflow to publish docker images automatically; added workaround for failing certificates verification when downloading CARD data; updated and cleanup README; added new feature to automatically load CARD databases into RGI (rgi auto_load); added kma aligner as default for rgi bwt as it produces better alignments over bowtie2 and bwa; updated RGI bwt read mapping results at allele level report (output_prefix.allele_mapping_data.txt) to include depth, SNPs, consensus sequence DNA, consensus sequence protein; added support for gz and bz2 input FASTA for rgi main; rgi bwt now uses homolog, variant, rRNA gene variant, overexpression, and knockout models | 5.2.0 | TAR | 2021-04-23 17:24:17.586578 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 5.1.1 - fixed index error with rRNA models, fixed index for bwa and added kma aligner for rgi bwt, supports BLAST version to 2.9.0, catch unset SNP parameters | 5.1.1 | TAR | 2020-08-06 10:25:22.599537 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 5.1.0 - added beta version for K-mer taxonomic classifiers (rgi kmer_buildĀ andĀ rgi kmer_query), updated the code to accept a broader range of nucleotide redundancy codes, and set biopython to version 1.72 due to bug on biopython version 1.74 | 5.1.0 | TAR | 2019-08-22 09:43:12.5152 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | RGI version 5: new algorithms for analysis of metagenomic data, support of % identity nudge and partial ORFs in analysis of genomes or assemblies. Extensively updated documentation, | 5.0.0 | TAR | 2019-04-25 15:28:41.990831 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Fixed indexing error | 4.2.2 | TAR | 2018-10-12 12:50:15.044004 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Updated output json to include possible start and stop missed by Prodigal v2.6.3 and tests for heatmap | 4.2.1 | TAR | 2018-10-12 12:49:21.903041 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | New heat map tool to visualize multiple RGI results, updated documentation, fixed minor bugs involving missing keys, imports, and string comparison. | 4.2.0 | TAR | 2018-08-22 14:05:36.51466 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Fixed bug causing protein variant model SNP under-reporting for a small number of cases. | 4.1.0 | TAR | 2018-07-05 00:05:51.235755 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Updated LICENSE and minor fixes | 4.0.3 | TAR | 2018-04-11 15:05:12.606344 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Added support for docker, added flag (--low_quality) to predict partial genes from short contigs, updated dependencies and added debug (--debug) flag | 4.0.2 | TAR | 2018-03-08 09:20:54.714457 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Added support to store database in the working directory by using --local flag, --local flag added to rgi subcommands: main, load, clean and database. Compatible with CARD data (card.json) version 2.0.0 and up. | 4.0.1 | TAR | 2018-02-08 13:41:23.385986 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Entirely new codebase, compatible with CARD data (card.json) version 2.0.0 and up (download separately). Open Reading Frame (ORF) prediction using Prodigal, homolog detection using BLAST (default) or DIAMOND, and Strict significance based on CARD curated bitscore cut-offs. Addition of rRNA mutation and efflux over-expression models. Hits of 95% identity or better are automatically listed as Strict. All results organized by revised ARO classification: AMR Gene Family, Drug Class, and Resistance Mechanism. Revised documentation, command line menu, and website graphical interface. | 4.0.0 | TAR | 2018-01-30 16:38:23.548345 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Prodigal ORF calling, BLAST (default) or DIAMOND homolog detection, significance cut-offs based on bitscores (expectation values depreciated). | 3.2.1 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2017-08-03 14:34:24.627865 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Removed MetaGeneMark. RGI uses Prodigal with E-values | 3.2.0 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2017-05-04 15:08:23.057335 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Fixes error with version 3.1.0 when generating tab-delimited file. Added option to check RGI version. | 3.1.1 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-07-13 12:06:21.355196 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Added Prodigal open reading frame caller | 3.1.0 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-07-13 12:04:04.526229 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - fixed clean to remove all draft files if option -c 1 is selected | 3.0.9 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-07 10:54:59.388664 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - fixed error when creating tab-delimited output with _metadata and data_type included in the RGI JSON results | 3.0.8 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-07 10:51:00.86481 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - added function to format RGI output json, fixed error with _metadata key, added logging option | 3.0.7 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-01 15:54:07.949631 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - added optional data type flag for input type (i.e chromosome, plasmid, wgs), added ORF protein, updated conversion from FastQ to FastA | 3.0.6 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-01 15:50:33.765525 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - fixed typo for file | 3.0.5 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-01 15:49:18.613531 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - observed E-value added to tab-delimited output, added predicted nucleotide (ORF) for contig type, clean temporary files | 3.0.4 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-01 15:48:01.776976 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - fixes paths, added options to use gzip files, added nucleotide sequence from CARD to results | 3.0.3 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-01 15:46:35.755574 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) - updates and bug fixes | 3.0.2 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT, GZ | 2016-04-01 15:39:53.584648 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) beta testing - updated documentation | 3.0.1 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT | 2015-09-29 11:10:02.880597 | DOWNLOAD |
RGI Software | Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) beta testing | 3.0.0 | JSON, PYTHON,TXT | 2015-09-29 11:07:30.701362 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v4.0.0, based on CARD v4.0.0 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 4.0.0 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-12-18 15:13:37.239864 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v3.3.0, based on CARD v3.3.0 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 3.3.0 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-08-27 18:26:35.801337 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v3.2.9, based on CARD v3.2.9 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 3.2.9 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-03-27 13:15:59.65176 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v3.2.8, based on CARD v3.2.8 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 3.2.8 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-03-27 13:15:07.564119 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v3.2.7, based on CARD v3.2.7 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 3.2.7 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-03-27 13:14:20.891736 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v3.2.6, based on CARD v3.2.6 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 3.2.6 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-03-27 13:13:21.621339 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | CARD Bait Capture Platform v3.2.5, based on CARD v3.2.5 protein homolog model reference sequences. Created by the CARPDM workflow. | 3.2.5 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2024-03-27 13:00:01.857842 | DOWNLOAD |
CARD Bait Capture | Initial release of the CARD Bait Capture Platform, as described in Guitor et al. 2019. Capturing the Resistome: A targeted capture method to reveal antibiotic resistance determinants in metagenomes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 64, e01324-19. | 1.0.0 | FASTA, PDF, TXT | 2019-10-08 15:13:27.872386 | DOWNLOAD |
Bait Synthesis Protocol | Bait Synthesis Protocol v1.0.0 | 1.0.0 | PDF, TXT | 2025-02-25 19:07:41.577506 | DOWNLOAD |
# searches rgi package and show available versions
$ conda search --channel bioconda rgi
# install rgi package
$ conda install --channel bioconda rgi
# install rgi specific version
$ conda install --channel bioconda rgi=3.1.1
# remove rgi package
$ conda remove --channel bioconda rgi